Scientifiques Sans Frontières: SSF
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Creating a 'Patreon for scientists' to financially support and connect researchers worldwide through consultations, mentorship, and expertise exchange.

SSF, our currently in-progress project, represents a platform to unite the collective expertise of scientists. Its significance lies in the fundamental challenges faced by scientists worldwide in attaining necessary financial support. While it is commonly assumed that grants, universities, and non-governmental research organizations provide this support, the stark reality is that a vast majority of researchers are deprived of the resources. Some may aspire to offer their consulting services at a fee, yet find themselves constrained by ethical dilemmas.

In response to this pressing need, we're cultivating a dedicated space—a sanctuary that offers legal certainty—for the unhindered exchange of experience and expertise, irrespective of a scientist's current status or age. Think of it as a 'Patreon for scientists' adorned with bespoke tiers catering to their followers. Through these tiers, scientists will be empowered to not only address your inquiries but also engage in one-on-one virtual consultations, provide mentorship for your projects, and much more.

SSF emerges as a beacon of hope, fostering an ecosystem where knowledge knows no bounds and the noble pursuit of science stands empowered.

Scientifiques Sans Frontières: SSF History

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