$214.92 crowdfunded from 270 people

$374.95 received from matching pools

average score over 2 application evaluations
Decentralized app for crowdsourcing and incentivizing the collaborative creation of written content, with cryptocurrency rewards and NFT ownership for contributors.

Scribe is a decentralized application that incentivizes collaborative written content, including books, articles, song lyrics, screenplays, and more. It allows anyone to propose a project. Users interested in the project can donate cryptocurrency to it and submit contribution proposals. These contributions are then voted on by prior contributors for inclusion in the project. Upon project finalization, the donated cryptocurrency is distributed among the contributors based on the value they added. Additionally, NFTs are minted for contributors with accepted content contributions, allowing each contributor to share ownership of the finished product.

I envision Scribe being used in many innovative ways, but a few of the possibilities I'm most excited about include:

  1. Source of Truth for Current Events: Today, centralized media conglomerates control the flow of information regarding current events, often shaping narratives to benefit political and economic interests. I envision Scribe allowing journalists and individuals directly experiencing events on the ground to collaborate and reach a consensus on true accounts of these events.
  2. Accurate and Comprehensive Academic Texts: I see academics from around the world collaborating on texts in their fields through Scribe, facilitating the sharing of knowledge and producing more comprehensive texts.
  3. Prolific Media Creators Collaborating with Fans: Scribe could enable renowned singers, writers, and film creators to co-create media with their fanbases. This would allow for the creation of products that fans can both contribute to and share ownership of.

Scribe History

  • accepted into Web3 Open Source Software 10 months ago. 111 people contributed $105 to the project, and $213 of match funding was provided.
  • accepted into Web3 Social 10 months ago. 159 people contributed $110 to the project, and $162 of match funding was provided.

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