Sejal Rekhan

$5.91 crowdfunded from 0 people

average score over 2 application evaluations

I have a cute hoodie I am 26. I am part of GPT team

Sejal Rekhan History

People donating to Sejal Rekhan, also donated to

Raising funds for a Gitcoin ecosystem project, including Gitcoin promotion, community support on Discord, stewardship duties, and creating a 'Public Goods Portal' with 60% of grant funds.
Securing funding for the Web3 Grants report, involving pre- and post-GCP process discussions, collaborating on a grants metadata standard, and establishing a grants database and application system.
Kris is running a Gitcoin funding round to gather community donations that offset his operational costs, with unused funds returning to the Gitcoin Treasury.
Longtime Gitcoin contributor advances decentralized identity and data projects, integrating Gitcoin tools into new platforms and promoting public goods through the Crypto Sapiens podcast.
Creating art to engage and educate on the Gitcoin ecosystem, web3, and public goods with weekly illustrations, memes, videos, and animations; focusing on regeneration, community, and transformation themes.