Sellout is a protocol and platform that produces sold out shows for musicians.
The protocol is deployed on Base, and the platform lives at
The Protocol
Registered Curators can propose a show between any registered artists at at any location, defining the splits and show size upfront. Fans who would go to this dream show can purchase fully refundable tickets until the show sells out. Once the show sells out, Venues can bid on the show offering dates and times. The Curator and Artists vote unanimously, the show happens, and everyone is paid out based on the initial splits!
The Platform
The goal of sellout as a platform is to provide context to the work of musicians and to sell out dream shows for both musicians and fans. With a music marketplace leveraging Zora protocol, along with the larger media layer, sellout will be a place you discover you favorite new musician, buy their music and help sellout their first show!
Sellout History
accepted into GG22 OSS - dApps and Apps 5 months ago.