$405.46 crowdfunded from 265 people

$2,490.50 received from matching pools

average score over 3 application evaluations
A Web3 publishing platform on Polygon Network enabling authors to monetize articles as NFTs with reader curation rewards, privacy, and a user-centric DAO. No personal data resale.

About Share

Share is a decentralized Web3 publishing platform where authors can publish articles as NFT and readers can interact with their favorite authors !

Built with Lens Protocol 🌱 and Polygon Network 🌐

Why Share 🤔?

Today, it is difficult for an author to be properly remunerated and to have a good reader base without having to disguise the content.

Authors must also juggle between several writing platforms (Medium, Substack, Twitter ...). It's a waste of time and energy to have to publish on each platform, to advertise for each platform when they publish.

Classic platforms have a terrible lack of incentive to share content, only the possibility to have a reading list, a link to share writings on other platforms and that's it.

Moreover, today's Web2 writing platforms (Wattpad, Medium, Scribay) suffer from all the problems of centralized platforms/social media.

• Capture and resale of personal data (targeted advertising ...)

• Non respect of copyrights

• No reliable means of payment

• Lack of strong links between authors and readers

• Spam/Bots

• Single point of failure

What will we solve and offer to users 🤗?

We offer a simple platform for publishing articles (on Lens protocol).

Authors can write articles with a block editor and DALLE-2 API for covers, configure how they want to monetize the article and the article is then published and shared to the whole Lens ecosystem (Lenster,Lensta,Orb ...).

Readers can then collect articles, up/down vote, acces to token-gated content and most importantly Curate to Earn.

Curate to earn is at the core of the application's operation, it allows readers to share the most relevant content but also to earn passive income.

It's a virtuous circle for the authors, the readers and for the quality of the content put forward by the application.

• Personal Information/Privacy : We do not collect any personal information, a signature on your wallet is enough to connect you. We don't do targeted advertising.

• A new way for authors to make a living from their writing : convert and sell your article as NFT and set price for collect via Lens protocol.

• Exclusive relationship between authors and readers : Exclusive links between authors and readers who own NFTs of their favorite authors (Token gated content)

• A platform that belongs to its users : Thanks to our DAO, we want everyone to be able to be an actor and give their opinion on the evolution of the platform.

• Respect of copyrights : The publications are on-chain, we can guarantee the copyrights and have a proof of anteriority thanks to the transaction hash.

Current Roadmap 🚧

2022 Q2

• Release of Share Alpha here : https://theshr.xyz

2022 Q3

• Deployment of the application on the Polygon mainnet.

2022 Q4-2023 :

• Curate to earn (via Lens)

2023 :

• Mobile App (IOS/Androïd)

• Awesome other features via Lens modules !

Why Grants on Gitcoin 💰?

• Release of the IOS/Android app : Recruit a developer to build the mobile application

• To be able to pay for the rental of the servers and the general infrastructure	

• Pay the relay so that users do not have to pay transaction fees	

Our Team 🧑‍🤝‍🧑

Sébastien Bellanger : Co-founder, 24 years old, French, Master in Computer Engineering, ex-Accenture

Tiphaine Chen : Co-founder, 27 years old, Taïwanese, Master in Management.

How does it work 🤔?

Back-end : Django

File storage : IPFS

Publication and social interactions : Lens Protocol API

Blockchain : Polygon

NFT API : Alchemy

Blockchain provider : Infura

Partners 🤝

• Polygon : Our project was chosen for marketing support and a grant

• Aave : Our project was chosen for marketing support and a grant

• Alchemy : Our project was chosen for marketing support and a grant

• 1kubator : 1Kubator (French incubator) having chosen us to have an accompaniment in the management of our start-up

Our social medias

Bêta : https://theshr.xyz

Join our Discord server : https://discord.gg/rqMMNRjp

Follow us on Twitter : https://twitter.com/share_offic

If you have any questions tag us on go in DM on Twitter !

Thanks for supporting us 💜

Share History

  • accepted into Web3 Social 10 months ago. 173 people contributed $109 to the project, and $141 of match funding was provided.
  • accepted into Web3 Social 1 year ago. 31 people contributed $36 to the project, and $351 of match funding was provided.
  • accepted into Web3 Social 1 year ago. 61 people contributed $260 to the project, and $1,999 of match funding was provided.

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