ShiftCTRL: A Decentralized Stablecoin Protocol anchored to Bitcoin and guided by Austrian economic sound money principles.
The Problem: Fiat money is Broken. the currency we work hard to earn, is fundamentally flawed. Central banks possess the ability to create money seemingly out of thin air, undermining the value of our hard-earned currency. This constant creation of new money leads to a decrease in purchasing power, resulting in widespread price inflation. Essential aspects of dignified living such as housing, sustenance, and education become increasingly unaffordable for the majority. Consequently, despite our efforts, life becomes more challenging, leaving many trapped in a cycle of existential fear and despair.
Our Vision: We envision a future that is fair and just, where individuals have full control over their money & finances. A future that is empowered by a decentralized and permissionless monetary system that honor individual rights, champion the free market, and uphold the principles of sound money. No censorship, no prying eyes, no third-party, no ID required.
Solution: Tabs: Sovereign Stablecoins Backed by Bitcoin ShiftCTRL enables the community to mint Tabs, a diverse range of over 150 sovereign stablecoins pegged to global currencies. Unlike conventional stablecoins, which are centralized and backed by fiat or government securities, making them crypto replicas of the fiat money we aim to change, Tabs are secured by Bitcoin – the new gold of the digital era.
The protocol's design is guided by the principles of Austrian economics, drawing from the profound insights and knowledge of maverick economists. It learns from past monetary system failures and incorporates the successes of proven monetary frameworks like the Classical Gold Standard.
Fully Decentralized Tabs are minted by the community through Bitcoin reserves, without any dependence on centralized custodians. The community maintains absolute control over their reserves or Tabs, ensuring the preservation of their financial sovereignty.
Community Governed At ShiftCTRL, we believe in the power of community-driven governance. Through decentralized decision-making, the community serves as the steward of the protocol, guiding its evolution with transparency, inclusivity, and shared ownership.
Global Stablecoins The scourge of monetary manipulation knows no borders. ShiftCTRL offers a solution for global citizens to unite against this rigged system. With over 150 Tabs pegged to global currencies, we empower individuals worldwide to break free from centralized monetary control.
ShiftCTRL: Fiat Money is Theirs. Sound Money, Ours.
We recognize that the objective of this project is a monumental undertaking on unprecedented levels. But then again, that is to be expected to weed out the long existing systemic flaws in our global financial system.
Nonetheless, we truly hope to bring like-minded individuals under the same banner to remedy a crippled financial system using Bitcoin as a solid anchor. More importantly, we ask you to think about what ShiftCTRL truly stands for; a communal endeavor to create a new monetary system that not only guarantees fairness and financial sovereignty, but also reinstates the human person – you - as the financial pulse of the world.
P.S. Please follow us on X for the latest news and developments or visit our website for more information and access to our whitepaper.
ShiftCTRL History
accepted into dApps & Apps 10 months ago.