$181.79 crowdfunded from 17 people

$298.19 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations

This is the MetaCamp community contribution opportunity grant for Simon, if Simon did anything of value for the community reward them here !

Simon History

  • accepted into Metacamp Onda 2023 FINAL 1 year ago. 17 people contributed $182 to the project, and $298 of match funding was provided.

People donating to Simon, also donated to

Grant program rewarding Onda staff for valuable community contributions.
Raising funds for a Gitcoin ecosystem project, including Gitcoin promotion, community support on Discord, stewardship duties, and creating a 'Public Goods Portal' with 60% of grant funds.
MetaCamp: A convergence hub for digital communities to explore governance, DAOs, network states, and wellness through facilitated discussions and immersive group activities.