Solarpunk Generation

$72.38 crowdfunded from 16 people

$175.59 received from matching pools

average score over 3 application evaluations
Promoting environmental awareness, psychological resilience, and inclusive regeneration using arts, education, a podcast, a children's book, a trauma-informed curriculum, and collaborative events.


Facilitating psychological resilience in vulnerable and diverse communities while promoting the regeneration of landscapes and the human spirit.


Solarpunk Generation promotes environmental awareness, education, and action through arts, storytelling, and holistic experiential learning. It focuses on creating resources, tools, and experiences to inspire and facilitate collective creativity. It is committed to elevating diverse voices, including those who are neurodiverse, and engaging multiple generations in building a more regenerative and inclusive society.


Climate change is causing widespread climate and eco-anxiety among young people and diverse communities. A recent survey of 10,000 young people in 10 countries found that 75% of respondents are scared about the future. This mental health crisis is an intergenerational challenge that will affect us all as the impacts of climate change and ecological breakdown intensify. At the same time, there are incredible solutions, initiatives, and on-the-ground projects in the Web3 and ReFi ecosystems that would benefit from support, visibility, and involvement from others. Unfortunately, underrepresented and vulnerable communities, including neurodiverse communities, often don't have access to or exposure to this information, and those working on these ecosystems are often prone to burnout. These two disconnected worlds need to be linked so that everyone can identify their unique strengths to contribute positively to changing the trajectory of our planet at the scale and speed that is required.


Efforts for public adoption of climate and environmental engagement need to include training in explicit emotional intelligence tools to cope with compounding crises and build psychological resilience.

Solarpunk Generation offers a framework for climate and intergenerational environmental engagement that integrates elements of community psychology, social and environmental justice, positive psychology, social-emotional learning, and eco-psychology.

The mission is to promote ecological health and resilience by facilitating the psychological health and resilience of children, youth, families, and diverse communities.

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To achieve this mission, Solarpunk Generation is developing and implementing a series of projects to spark a movement of innovation, regeneration, and collective intelligence. These projects are synergistic and amplify and support the development of each other. The aim is to generate, amplify, and advance new and existing ideas and solutions that can nurture the healing of vulnerable communities and the planet and harness our collective creativity to build a regenerative future for all generations.

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The Specific Objectives of Solarpunk Generation are:


Act as a bridge between these two disconnected worlds by providing education and exposure to existing solutions in the Web3, ReFi, and regeneration ecosystems. This will be accomplished initially through the Solarpunk Generation Podcast , which is the seed for other upcoming projects. The podcast is currently in the production stage. It will feature inspiring individuals, from children to grandparents, and everyone in between (Gen Alpha, Gen Z, Millenials, etc.), actively working to build this future today.

The stories will become material for a children’s book to share and further amplify the work of change-makers, activists, Earth stewards, and ReFi/climate leaders working on innovative ideas and solutions to inspire more families and adults to move into action.


Provide talent-development opportunities and emotional coping tools to align individual’s gifts to regeneration and climate change action efforts. This will be accomplished through a trauma-informed curriculum that aims to help individuals identify their unique roles in building this future. This curriculum will be initially piloted and tested as an enrichment resource for existing eco-literacy programs and on-the-ground local communities wishing to implement educational programming or consult to strengthen their pedagogical models, structures, and strategies.

The curriculum will be eventually delivered through Solarpunk Camps offered seasonally. The curriculum combines best practices to address climate despair and eco-anxiety with research-based educational strategies to spark imagination, creativity, and innovation in children and youth, serving as a model for other local and global communities.


Elevate and amplify the voices and solutions of marginalized communities and help them channel their creative energy to contribute to new and existing innovative and practical solutions to climate change, regeneration, and social justice issues. This will be accomplished through the podcast, children’s book, and curriculum.


Design, co-create, and facilitate in-person and online events that include shorter versions and stand-alone elements of the overall curriculum. These include nature restoration camps, art immersions, and experiential learning events focused on community-based and project-based service learning.

One example of these events is the upcoming Solarpunk Generation Art Exhibition as part of the ongoing Solarpunk Generation Art Contest: People Building a Brighter Future.


Collaborate with other projects, organizations, movements, individuals, and groups to promote ecological health and resilience and facilitate the creation of global networks of eco-hubs or Solarpunk Hubs and common pools of resources designed to harness our collective creativity to build a regenerative civilization.

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Learn more about Solarpunk Generation in these Slides


These are some of the initial online events that have taken place:

Art Hour with Solarpunk Artist Dustin Jacobus:

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Earth Imagination Event:

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Solarpunk Art Contest: People Building a Brighter Future (Ongoing):

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Inner Resilience Circles for Youth


We are a small team of two activists using our limited free time and budget to help shift the trajectory of the planet through multiple initiatives.

Funding will help with the production of the podcast and children's book, the development of the curriculum, and the organization and coordination of the events and hubs.

Solarpunk Generation History

  • accepted into Web3 Community and Education 1 year ago. 9 people contributed $25 to the project, and $138 of match funding was provided.
  • applied to the Metacrisis 1 year ago which was rejected
  • accepted into Metacrisis 1 year ago. 7 people contributed $48 to the project, and $38 of match funding was provided.

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