
$90.20 crowdfunded from 80 people

$776.92 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
Development tool designed to enhance Solidity coding in VSCode for foundry projects, offering auto formatting, error diagnostics, code outline, and future features for navigating code definitions.

Solidity analyzer is a language server implementation and a vscode extension that consumes the language server to improve developer experience for solidity development(currently specifically for foundry projects) by providing features like:

  1. Auto formatting with forge fmt
  2. Diagnostics(compiler errors, warnings, informationals, etc.)
  3. Code outline

More features with higher priority to be added next:

  1. Go to implementation
  2. Go to type definition
  3. Go to definition
  4. Go to declaration
  5. Rename symbols

Eventual goal is implementing as much LSP APIs as possible.

solidity-analyzer History

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