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Developing a free, self-hosted tool to automate trades on GMX, dYdX, and Perpetual Protocol via TradingView alerts. Open-source with easy setup.
Released a series of NFT profile images on OpenSea with unique attributes for social media recognition, priced in wETH or DFI, featuring consistent caps and backgrounds.
Developing a web3 tool similar to Groove Scribe for drummers to create, share, and own drum patterns with features like IPFS storage, custom drumkits, MIDI/OSC interfaces, NFT minting, and YouTube integration.
The Family Food Bank Project empowers families through sustainable tech, enhances food security, energy efficiency, and community resilience, leveraging Web3 and blockchain for global deployment and impact.
EasyWriter offers one-API access for Web2 companies to use blockchain for auditable sustainability reporting, ensures data transparency, and combats greenwashing without needing wallets or tokens.