TIME Token Finance
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Developing an ERC-20 token named TIME that tokenizes time as a tradable DeFi asset, with a dynamic supply model generating tokens based on elapsed time and offering incentives through a mint-backed token, D2, providing liquidity, automated investment strategies, and dividends to holders.

Asset tokenization is changing the way we perceive and trade financial resources. In the world of crypto-assets, tokens synthesize a wide range of real assets in digital format. However, are there limits to what can be tokenized?

After some experience as investors and developers in DeFi, we noticed that time is a valuable resource that is practically neglected in the tokenization process. We realized that it is possible to transform time into a tangible asset and generate value for it. However, there are some problems to consider, as we are dealing with a theoretically inflationary resource whose value is quite relative.

We present an ERC-20 token, called TIME, which seeks to represent time in its tokenized form and solve some relatively common economic problems related to this procedure.

With TIME, we turn time into an easily tradable asset in the DeFi environment, opening up numerous business possibilities, from receivables anticipation to time banking markets and universal basic income.

The TIME token has some interesting characteristics. One of them is that it does not have a fixed total supply but is offered according to its production.

The production of tokens by a wallet is linked to the time between asset production intervals. When a user activates their wallet and starts asset production, the number of tokens generated will be proportional to the time elapsed between these two events.

Moreover, the TIME token contract offers incentives to producers on the units produced. Every time a swap is made directly in the contract, a portion of the fees (in the native cryptocurrency of the network) is distributed among all holders of the asset and can be claimed at any time.

With TIME, we have created a new way of doing business by turning time into money. Have you thought about the potential applications?

Also, we have developed in the platform a mint-backed token (backed with native token and TIME) called DeFi System for Reference - DSRv2 (D2). The overarching concept behind the D2 token is to offer investors a more streamlined investment mechanism by automating a significant portion of user actions within the smart contract. Additionally, the platform aims to enhance the value of its existing tokens (TIME, RSD, and SDR) from the ecosystem through an automatic mechanism for multiple token purchases, burning and swaps.

As a result, once an investor holds the D2 token, they gain access to the entire system, empowering them to adopt a range of strategies, from straightforward buy-and-hold approaches to more intricate ones...

The primary advantage of D2 lies in its liquidity: the token is backed minted and it cannot be generated without native token collateral. In other words, to produce any unit of D2, a certain amount of native currency must be provided as initial liquidity, either within decentralized exchanges or the D2 token's smart contract itself. Furthermore, the resources used for minting D2 are distributed among other contracts and protocols on the platform. Consequently, investing in D2 automatically adds value to the other assets and contracts within the system.

Another interesting feature of D2 is its dividend distribution to holders. Every time someone mints or buy D2, a portion of the resources is proportionally distributed (or marked to be distributed) among the holders as an incentive for acquiring and holding the token in their wallets. However, this is not the sole method of resource acquisition. The protocol also obtains resources through various other means, including:

  • Automatic arbitrage through Flash Loans / Flash Swaps;
  • Support for Flash Mint, where fees are charged for resource utilization;
  • 'Donations' to the contract (in native/network token), which can be utilized as a means for sending and distributing resources by future contracts and even third parties.

TIME Token Finance History

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