Titania Research is a research and development organization established to solve the problem of MEV, known as the dark forest. Named after the fairy queen Titania, who possesses the ability to resolve the dark forest, we contribute to the issue of fairness in Ethereum by researching and developing solutions from both protocol and application.
1. About Us
Titania Research is a research organization that works on research and development on the problems of MEV in Ethereum. We aims to create solutions and contribute to Ethereum, rather than focusing solely on research.
This includes research and development in software, supply chain and security, primarily based on findings in mechanism design, computer science and cryptography.
2. Mission, Vision and Values
Mission “Contribute to Ethereum”: The goal is to contribute to Ethereum from the aspect of MEV by researching and developing solution to problem such as centralization and censorship. Promoting problem-solving to expand Ethereum as a free space for humanity.
Vision "From competition to contribution”: From the conventional idea of competing and winning, we will focus on the idea of contributing to and distributing the ecosystem and creating a new competitive environment and seek to solve problems.
Value "Open Source”: We inherit ethereum's open, permissionless, and free culture, by openly discussing and developing issues, we aim to achieve our mission, our activity is publicly available, allowing anyone to find areas where they can contribute.
3. Motivation
Consensus protocols are usually evaluated based on their ability to maintain liveness and safety. Liveness means that new transactions are added to the output ledger in a timely manner, and safety means that confirmed transactions remain in their positions in the ledger.
However, to maintain decentralization, economic fairness among consensus participants is also required. The emergence of Maximal Extractable Value (MEV) hinders this goal of fairness. The negative impact of MEV on fairness affects not only consensus but also applications. Therefore, we propose a complementary approach by analyzing and addressing MEV from both protocol and application perspectives.
4. Our Work
Mechanism design and analysis: design and analyze economies on protocols / applications.
Software design, implementation and operation: develop software on distributed computers that includes mechanism design, cryptography, distributed validator technology.
Collaborative research / development: Partner with academic institutions, industry leaders, and other research organizations to advance the field of MEV mitigation and blockchain fairness.
Titania Research History
accepted into Asia Round 7 months ago.