PrimeDAO launched as a DAO innovator collective in 2020 to enable DAO-to-DAO coordination that helps create positive-sum games.
In 2021-2022, we spearheaded DAO token swaps as an alignment mechanism, both in theory in collaboration with BlockScience and in practice through over 8 token swaps worth over 2M in value.
While Token Swaps received little attention in 2022-2023, the emergence of L2 ecosystems and the resurgence of OG DeFi are re-igniting interest in Token Swaps and comparable mechanisms to align incentives.
Our team just received a FireStart Grant from Arbitrum to research Token Swaps as a mechanism to improve Grant programs.
Through this TEC grant, we aim to expand our research into the Superchain and provide a clear overview of the Token swap process, lessons, and tangible suggestions on how to leverage Token Swaps to increase Superchain coordination.
Token Swaps as a Mechanism for Superchain alignment History
accepted into Token Engineering the Superchain 6 months ago.