Troop Finance

$213.11 crowdfunded from 39 people

$1,219.19 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
Troop Finance is a decentralized social investment platform for creating collaborative crypto portfolios within communities, offering scam protection and rewards for active contributors.

Collaborate on a crypto/DeFi portfolio together with your frens

Create a tokenised portfolio for your Discord, Telegram, Reddit “alpha groups”

What is Troop Finance?

Troop Finance is a social investment platform built on Lens Protocol 🌿. It facilitates the creation of collaborative portfolios to help communities invest better together. The protocol allows anybody to become a member and contribute to the curation of investment portfolios.


Current investment tools are not tailored for the new, web3 native retail investors. Some data and conclusions:

  • 95% of retail traders lose money
  • More than 70% of Gen Z collaborate on their investments

—> Gen Z investors seek investment help online and from friends

  • Retail investors use group-chats to discuss investment strategies, exchanges to execute them separately and spreadsheets to track them
  • DAO members use Discourse to make proposals, Snapshot to vote and other social platforms to interact

—> The collaborative investment experience is fragmented in different tools

  • Scams accounted for $7.8 billion in 2021
  • There are limited monetization options for community thought-leaders

—> Retail investors get scammed or are victims of pump & dumps.


Investment communities (either groups of friends or large influencer communities) follow the same pattern: There are those who contribute the most with their ideas and research, those who try to scam others and those who simply follow what the group does and ask others to manage their funds for them.

Troop tackles these three opportunities:

  • 💸 Retail investors get access to automated and diversified strategies that fit their needs without having to give up the custody of their money.
  • 👺 Scammers are kept at bay through an on-chain verifiable reputation and track-record systems.
  • 👑 Community thought leaders and active members can collaborate in a single place* and get compensated for their contributions to the community.

*Being built on Lens Protocol allows users to communicate across multiple apps of the ecosystem as well

A “troop” can be analogous to many things: an ETF created by a community, a decentralized investment club, a community managed fund, or just a DAO. In the end, a troop is simply a community sharing alpha (investment ideas) with each other to attain a shared financial goal.

Our Vision

We are building web 3.0’s native SocialFi investment hub, where DeFi, collaboration and socialisation are bound together by allowing the creation of the web3-evolved Investment Clubs, making asset management much more inclusive. We do this by turning traditional fund management upside down. Instead of a single investor earning a fee for managing a fund, this fee gets distributed amongst active members of a community who curate a portfolio. These communities are gathered around specific themes, financial goals and risk appetites, allowing retail investors to pick from a range of portfolios that suit them best. Curators earn reputation based on the quality of their contributions.

This would enable the following potential use-cases:

  • Give retail investors the opportunity to earn a living from portfolio management
  • DAO treasury management
  • Network State treasury/pension fund management

Gitcoin Grant: updates & future

We launched an MVP ( and when onboarding users we realised we needed to learn more about how communities interact and redesign the product based on that. We have more than 3000 people on our waitlist. To learn faster and understand better how already established communities interact, we are partnering with Collab.Land to integrate Troop Finance in their Discord marketplace.

Find us here:

Website Lens Twitter Telegram

Troop Finance History

  • accepted into Web3 Social 1 year ago. 39 people contributed $213 to the project, and $1,219 of match funding was provided.

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