$222.25 crowdfunded from 147 people

$281.93 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
Creating UNIT, a decentralized, unbiased crypto index reflecting market value using an algorithm that includes top coins, population, and life expectancy data. TINU, a flatcoin peg, allows investment in crypto market as a whole, hedging against inflation and volatility. Suitable for all investors, offering no-fee returns through vaults and farms.

Satoshi started the cryptocurrency space with the idea of decentralization, ending the need for central banks. But through years of development, we seemed to drift this original concept out of our minds: USDT, USDC, DAI, and other “stablecoins” are all central bank’s pegs and are now widely used in DeFi.

How can we continue using these to benchmark our new era?

Cryptocurrencies like BTC and ETH all have their own biases and cannot accurately measure the overall market value.

Our DeFi space needs its own unit.

Following Satoshi’s idea and seeing this urgent need for our space, we created UNIT - an Accurate, Unbiased benchmark that algorithmically selects currencies into an index to reflect the market. The number of coins in the basket is not fixed, which allows UNIT to adapt to market changes, ensuring that its index remains relevant and up-to-date. The UNIT algorithm combines the top coins with the most important human metrics: population and life expectancy.

With UNIT, you no longer need to count with different assets in different blockchains, we can all use one common UNIT to eliminate biases and confusion. And UNIT charts allow us to see the real price of an asset instead of the inflated fiat-based price, which allows you to track the real market moves.

Since UNIT is an indexed unit of account (not a coin), we created a flatcoin peg named TINU for people to engage with UNIT.

With TINU, you can now invest in the whole crypto market instead of one specific coin, and hold stable crypto purchasing power while going against inflation and volatility. You can trade Bitcoin dominance through the wBTC/TINU pair. But not only Bitcoin dominance. As an indexed unit, UNIT through its ETF TINU can be used to trade the market share of any cryptocurrency. This makes UNIT a true long-term asset, a flatcoin or inflation hedge, and a powerful force to unite the space of many blockchains with a decentralized unbiased unit.

TINU is not only for traders, even inexperienced investors can hold TINU to get exposure to the most important part of the cryptocurrency market and build wealth over their lifetime without needing to research individual coins. Anyone can easily open TINU vaults and farms to earn substantial returns with no fees.

Start using UNIT(http://unitindex.org) to account and TINU(http://app.unitindex.org) to earn, and get ready for a world breaking away from the need for central banks.

Docs: docs.unitindex.org

We are no longer on Discord. We are only on X now! X: x.com/unit_index

UNIT History

  • accepted into Web3 Open Source Software 10 months ago. 147 people contributed $222 to the project, and $282 of match funding was provided.

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