VegDAO the CreatorDAO for Vegans and Vegetarians
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VegDAO is an NFT-based platform promoting eco-friendly art, music, fashion, and creators within the crypto community, aiming to support animal sanctaries and showcase work at U.S. and European events. Funds are sought for travel, event space, and booth design.

Due to the environmental footprint of consuming animal products, growing food to feed them and making their byproducts into leather and fabrics that require harmful chemicals to process which harm the people and the environment, VegDAO must draw awareness within the GitCoin and crypto community to more eco friendly solutions and creators that have a far lighter environmental impact.

VegDAO acts as a vegan & vegetarian NFT-artists', -musicians', -fashion designers', and -creators' accelerator hub with online galleries and aims to piggy back other existing IRL events, festivals and retreats which will also benefit animal sanctuaries with the sales of the respective creations.

VegDAO seeks to uplift lesser known talent with vegan and vegetarian celebrities and influencers.

We have 8 LED screens we can go on tour with, and aim to attend NFT events all around the United States in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Las Vegas, New York and hope to branch out to Europe especially Switzerland Andreas' home country.

Funds are needed for traveling and event space rentals. Some NFT festivals charge $10,000 for a booth and some of the funds will be used for booth decor and design.

Some funds may be allocated to show creations at that thing in the desert if they are deployed in a timely manner...

VegDAO the CreatorDAO for Vegans and Vegetarians History

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