VeterinaryDAO SkinScan: Pioneering Blockchain-Enhanced AI Diagnostics for Pets on Arbitrum One
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Develop an AI-powered, blockchain-based veterinary diagnostic platform using Arbitrum One for efficient, secure management of pet skin condition data. Open source with community collaboration, aiming for wide adoption by 2026. Total budget: $30,000.


VeterinaryDAO SkinScan is a groundbreaking initiative aimed at leveraging the power of AI and blockchain technology to improve veterinary diagnostics.

This project will develop an open-source Web3 infrastructure component on Arbitrum One, creating a proof of concept for securely storing and labeling datasets used to train AI models for diagnosing dermatological conditions in pets.


SkinScan by VeterinaryDAO seeks to revolutionize pet healthcare by integrating cutting-edge AI diagnostics with robust blockchain technology.

Utilizing Arbitrum One, the project will enhance the Ethereum ecosystem through innovative uses of blockchain for data integrity, security, and accessibility in veterinary medicine.

Problem Statement

Current veterinary diagnostic processes are often slow and prone to errors, lacking the infrastructure to handle complex data securely and efficiently. This limits the potential for advanced AI applications in the field.

Proposed Solution:

Develop a decentralized application (DApp) on Arbitrum One that will serve as a secure, scalable platform for managing veterinary diagnostic data.

This platform will include features for data encryption, access control, and efficient data storage, making it ideal for training and deploying AI diagnostic tools.

Technical Approach:

Blockchain Infrastructure: Construct smart contracts on Arbitrum One to handle data storage, labeling, and retrieval with high throughput and low costs.

AI Integration: Develop interfaces between the blockchain and AI models to ensure seamless data flow and secure model training.

Open Source Development: Ensure all code is open source, providing a valuable resource to the community and encouraging further innovation and collaboration.

Objectives and Goals:

2024: Design and deploy the blockchain infrastructure; begin integration with AI systems. 2025: Launch a fully functional DApp for data management; conduct extensive testing with veterinary partners. 2026: Expand the platform’s features, increase its adoption across veterinary clinics, and enhance community involvement and feedback mechanisms.


Blockchain-Based Data Management System: A secure and efficient system for managing veterinary data on Arbitrum One.

AI Data Interface: Tools and protocols for integrating AI model training with blockchain-stored data.

Documentation and Community Resources: Comprehensive documentation and guides to assist developers and veterinarians in using and contributing to the platform.

Budget and Funding Requirements:

Total Request: $30,000 Blockchain Development: $15,000 AI Integration and Testing: $10,000 Documentation and Community Engagement: $5,000

Impact and Evaluation:

The project will be evaluated on its ability to provide a secure, efficient platform for veterinary data management, the usability of the AI integration, and the active involvement of the community in using and enhancing the platform.

Team and Expertise:

Our team consists of experts in blockchain development, AI, and veterinary medicine, committed to innovating at the intersection of these fields. Their combined expertise will drive the success of the SkinScan project connectors on Arbitrum Network.

Community Engagement and Outreach:

Engage with the veterinary and blockchain developer communities through workshops, hackathons, and online forums to encourage use and collaboration on the project.


VeterinaryDAO SkinScan on Arbitrum One represents a significant advancement in applying blockchain technology to veterinary medicine. This project will not only improve pet healthcare but also contribute to the robustness and versatility of the Ethereum ecosystem through innovative, practical applications of Web3 technology.

VeterinaryDAO SkinScan: Pioneering Blockchain-Enhanced AI Diagnostics for Pets on Arbitrum One History

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