Volunteer Lead @DevConnect

$67.53 crowdfunded from 8 people

$599.79 received from matching pools

Kenya-based community lead volunteers at Dev Connect to foster growth in Africa's WEB 3 community and harness blockchain's transformative power through collaboration.

Hello there,

My name is Lavender, and I am based in Africa, Kenya. I am the community lead for H.E.R. DAO Kenya and am super excited to have been accepted into the Dev Connect as a volunteer.

My goal in volunteering at Dev Connect is to actively contribute to the growth and enrichment of the WEB 3 community, especially in Africa.

What excites me the most is the potential to be part of a dynamic organization that shares my passion for blockchain technology and its transformative power.

I'm enthusiastic about the opportunity to collaborate with like-minded individuals and collectively work toward positively impacting the Web 3 ecosystem.

Volunteer Lead @DevConnect History

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