$629.31 crowdfunded from 131 people

$2,984.01 received from matching pools

average score over 3 application evaluations
Initiative to bring 5 million Latin American women into Web3 by 2030 through education, resources, and empowerment, including courses, domain distribution, and partnerships, with a focus on evaluating barriers to entry.

WAGMI LatAm is an initiative that aims to increase female participation in the Web3 field in Latin America. Our objective is to add 5 million Latin American women to the Web3 space by 2030. We have three main lines of action: education (courses), resources (financing and dominions), and empowerment (mentoring and workshops).

WAGMI LatAm recognizes the importance of working together to break down the barriers that keep women from opportunities to progress and contribute to diversifying the ecosystem. By providing education, resources, and empowerment to Latinas and Latin Americans, the initiative is paving the way for a more egalitarian, democratic, and decentralized future of web3.

In 2022, WAGMI LATAM provided access to over 150 people to gated courses to learn Solidity, NFT's, and other relevant skills for Web3. The initiative also secured 5 million domains to be distributed over the next years to the current 40 communities that make it up.

For 2023, we are focusing on research by mapping the current challenges faced by women in LATAM who want to join the Web3 space as both users and builders. By identifying the main challenges, the initiative will be able to be more effective with its resources, and this information will also be of great use for its community partners. This research will serve as a baseline comparison to measure the impact WAGMI LATAM has had over the years.

The research is comprised of 2 stages:

  1. Surveying active Latin American women in the web3 ecosystem to understand their process to become involved in the ecosystem.
  2. Survey women across 10 countries in the region who are not familiar with the technology and learn more about their digital use and knowledge and understanding of blockchain use cases.


  • accepted into Meta Pool LatAm GG18 10 months ago. 48 people contributed $81 to the project, and $1,206 of match funding was provided.
  • accepted into Web3 Community and Education 10 months ago. 63 people contributed $118 to the project, and $426 of match funding was provided.
  • accepted into Web3 Community and Education 1 year ago. 20 people contributed $431 to the project, and $1,352 of match funding was provided.

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