WELLDONE Code: Remix IDE for Arbitrum(Stylus)

$220.38 crowdfunded from 132 people

$3,655.24 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
Development of a Remix IDE plugin by WELLDONE Studio that enables smart contract development for multi-chains, including Arbitrum, using languages like Rust without local setup.

Arbitrum Stylus supports languages other than Solidity through evm+, such as Rust. One of the reasons is to reduce the transition cost for developers by adopting languages that developers have been using extensively, making it easier to onboard to Arbitrum.

WELLDONE Studio aims to support Arbitrum in line with this goal. We have developed a plugin for multi-chains (WELLDONE Code) that allows smart contracts to be developed in Remix IDE for chains other than EVM. This is an official plugin for Remix IDE.

We currently support seven chains. In this process, we have contributed to supporting languages like Move and Rust in Remix IDE. Therefore, developing an environment in the web IDE where Arbitrum's Rust contracts can be deployed will be a very familiar task for us.

Web IDEs like Remix are crucial for initial developer onboarding. This is because, in Remix IDE, developers don't need to set up their local development environment at all.

For instance, in the case of the Sui Network launched earlier this year, 10% of all contracts were deployed through WELLDONE Code in the first half of the year.

This is the first project we are undertaking since our partnership with the Remix team. Through our contributions, developers will be able to easily develop Arbitrum contracts using Rust on the web, without the need for setting up a development environment locally.

WELLDONE Code: Remix IDE for Arbitrum(Stylus) History

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