My most recent album release, Wide Eye Feels, served as the inspiration for this Collector Created Comic series.
Using blockchain, storytelling, AI, and music, collectors and I will create a comic that tells the story of Gaia in a future where humanity has become inferior to AI and is becoming extinct. After finishing book one together we will sell it online and in-stores!
My ultimate objective is to use half of comic book profits to support research on psychedelics and mycoremediation. Twenty percent of the revenues will be stored in a shared wallet, with voting rights for all 49 collectors! Collectors will own a music NFT featuring a graphic illustration that will be utilized in the comic book's creation. After purchase, collectors will be able to collaborate with a trained AI to narrate their own segment of the story in the "Comic Zone"!
This project is experimental in that I am developing a novel form of business model. We are offering a tangible item that is connected to the blockchain. Selling this product raises money for vital research that is becoming more and more accepted every day. I have a strong interest in art, fungi, and business, so I would be thrilled to see this experiment through to the end. Many fresh ideas and concepts will emerge from it. I believe it could be a stepping stone to other ways of operating within the real world as a blockchain based product!
What I would use the grant for:
After a year of developing and iterating, this grant would allow me to pay my developer and myself. We both have only been doing this on our spare time, I would like to dedicate more time to it so we can launch and find our first seven collectors within the next couple of months.
Wide Feels History
accepted into QuantumStake: Revolutionizing Staking in the Crypto space | Avalanche 11 months ago.
accepted into Mission #1 11 months ago.