
$85.05 crowdfunded from 58 people

$401.73 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
Project Summary: Create Halo2 tutorials and translations, translate PLONK series content by January 2024, develop four quarterly outputs on various zkp topics, and refine zkp content systematically. Develop and optimize zkVM, produce Halo2 As A Compiler series. Host at least two zk-summit events in China in 2024, establish zkp co-building spaces, facilitate English learning through zkp materials, and create zkp-themed zines and stickers.

z2o-k7e 内容 Roadmap

z2o-k7e 产品

z2o-k7e 有趣的活动

  • zk-summit (2024 年至少要做 2 次国内的 zkp builders 的 zk-summit)
  • zkp 线下 co-building House
  • Learning English by zkp (通过 Peer Accountability 的模式,使用 zkp-based materials 学英语)
  • zkp Zine/stickers

z2o-k7e History

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Community-based platform that escrows funds for crowdfunded projects, rewards successful project completion, and reinforces trust by providing refunds for unfulfilled projects.
Developing a blockchain-based crowdfunding system with escrow that allows community-based project funding with rewards for execution, emphasizing funder assurance and sustainable support for public goods.