
$172.39 crowdfunded from 127 people

$267.40 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
A collaborative initiative developing over 25 open-source Ethereum-based digital solutions tackling urban challenges, with a focus on a decentralized budgeting tool to enhance city governance.

Since 2020, zenbit.eth has undertaken an extensive collaborative research and development initiative with 27 talented individuals with a diverse skill set, from around the world. Together, they have developed over 25 public Open Source Projects, primarily at ETH Global hackathons.

These digital solutions encompass seven categories, leveraging advanced Ethereum technologies to address citiesĀ“ challenges like transparency, efficiency, and coordination.

zenbit projects

zenbit talent

We are currently building Zengo: Decentralized Budget, a public good that helps coordinate citizens and city stakeholders by setting a decentralized budget managed with a plural voting contract to solve proposals about urban issues and complement the city's budget with a second-layer mechanism.

zengo model

zengo roadmap

All your donations will help us to continue building Zengo and other OSS we have been working on!

zenbit.eth History

  • accepted into Web3 Open Source Software 1 year ago. 127 people contributed $172 to the project, and $267 of match funding was provided.

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