$590.05 crowdfunded from 331 people

$685.51 received from matching pools

serglo (user)
zkvrf (project)
average score over 1 application evaluations
Developing a verifiable onchain randomness method using zero-knowledge proofs for EVM networks with EC precompiles, aiming to create prover node software and a decentralized VRF marketplace.

zkVRF is a novel method for verifiable onchain randomness (VRF) enabled by ZKPs.

It enables everyone to access VRF (and run their own nodes) on networks unsupported by the current state-of-the-art VRF providers.

The only requirement on the EVM network is to have EC precompiles.

We created the project during the recent ETHOnline hackathon by ETHGlobal and won it: https://ethglobal.com/showcase/zkvrf-rt1d2

The positive feedback from the judges and the community motivates us to work on the project further; therefore, we are looking for R&D grants to continue the work.

With the grants, we aim to create prover node software and a fully permissionless and decentralized marketplace for VRF.

zkVRF History

  • accepted into Web3 Open Source Software 10 months ago. 331 people contributed $590 to the project, and $686 of match funding was provided.

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