Decentralized platform enabling data hosting, content sharing, cross-chain trading, secure communication, and Web3 tools without censorship or KYC.
Created 5 months ago
Carbon Counting Club
Gardening club turns into carbon offset business using biochar, compost, and mulch, issuing tokens for sequestered CO2, funding philanthropy, supporting members, and building self-sustaining liquidity via NFTs and investments.
Created 1 month ago
DeFi analytics
Created 1 month ago
Creating a community-driven agroecosystem using web3 technology to reward participants with Hypercerts and NFTs, track seed lineages, and support sustainable agriculture and learning through a DAO.
Created 5 months ago
Proof of Philanthropy: A Verifiable Giving Pledge for the Modern Age
A blockchain platform rewarding donors with evolving NFTs for verified philanthropic actions, promoting transparency and incentivizing support for public goods.
Created 5 months ago
Dhive: An all-in-one governance data platform for decentralized organizations, offering aggregated on-/off-chain data, trusted credentials, and a custom notification system for informed decision-making. Launching MVP soon.
Created 1 month ago
ENS Road Around Brazil
Free workshops in six Brazilian cities to educate and onboard developers from major universities on Ethereum Name Service, with a focus on increasing technology access.
Created 5 months ago
Wasset protocol incentivizes sustainable waste management through blockchain technology, token rewards, and a circular economy marketplace, addressing global waste challenges and environmental harm.
Created 1 month ago
The Aquapurge Project
A global movement incentivizing shoreline pollution reporting and cleanups, using a DAO for funding decisions, and rewarding participants with eco-friendly products. Over 1,900 kg of trash were already removed.
Created 1 month ago
AgroforestDAO in GG20
Developing a collaborative network for stewarding agroecosystems through web3, issuing Hypercerts for labor contributions, creating NFTs for agroforest support, and devising tools to facilitate and automate sustainable food production management.
Created 5 months ago
EthStaker is a community of 50,000+ members providing guidance, education, support, and resources for existing and potential stakers. EthStaker’s principle goal is to maximize decentralization of the Ethereum network.
Created 5 months ago
Bangalore Microgreens
Urban hydroponic initiative in Bangalore establishes rooftop gardens, reducing food transport emissions and fostering community food resilience and social interaction.
Created 1 month ago
One Sky Collective
One Sky Collective
Created 5 months ago
Protocol Explorer
Platform for coding practice for web3 protocols, featuring livestreams, articles, and documentation with an upcoming on-chain learning iteration requiring fundraising.
Created 5 months ago
Carbon Anti-Theft
Develop a smart contract "Carbon Flow" using ERC-1155 to limit carbon credit transfers, prevent theft, and facilitate a market of carbon accountants. Funds needed for DAO UI completion and audit.
Created 1 month ago