Metacamp Onda 2023 FINAL

Ran on the Optimism blockchain from 11 May 2023 13:01 to 17 May 2023 00:00 (UTC).
Unknown Token 3
Matching pool
Total Projects
Total USD Crowdfunded
Total Donations
0 matching cap
No Matching Cap
Total Donors
17 May 2023 00:00
Round ended on
Projects Reaching Matching Cap
This is the MetaCamp community contribution opportunity grant for Griff, if Griff did anything of value for the community reward them here !
Donor amount: $132.41
Match amount: $156.42
14 contributions
This is the MetaCamp community contribution opportunity grant for Lauren, if Lauren did anything of value for the community reward them here !
Donor amount: $205.88
Match amount: $47.20
6 contributions
Sky Mine
This is the MetaCamp community contribution opportunity grant for Sky Mine, if Sky Mine did anything of value for the community reward them here !
Donor amount: $100.51
Match amount: $128.33
13 contributions
This is the MetaCamp community contribution opportunity grant for Estefania, if Estefania did anything of value for the community reward them here !
Donor amount: $131.97
Match amount: $80.54
9 contributions
Dani D
This is the MetaCamp community contribution opportunity grant for Dani D, if Dani D did anything of value for the community reward them here !
Donor amount: $114.77
Match amount: $89.74
10 contributions
Dan R
This is the MetaCamp community contribution opportunity grant for Dan Rodman, if Dan Rodman did anything of value for the community reward them here !
Donor amount: $97.52
Match amount: $94.09
11 contributions
This is the MetaCamp community contribution opportunity grant for Marionella, if Marionella did anything of value for the community reward them here !
Donor amount: $103.52
Match amount: $86.32
10 contributions
This is the MetaCamp community contribution opportunity grant for Voltron, if Voltron did anything of value for the community reward them here !
Donor amount: $99.62
Match amount: $80.50
10 contributions
Zack A
This is the MetaCamp community contribution opportunity grant for Zack A, if Zack A did anything of value for the community reward them here !
Donor amount: $115.56
Match amount: $63.61
8 contributions
This is the MetaCamp community contribution opportunity grant for Wackerow, if Wackerow did anything of value for the community reward them here !
Donor amount: $80.44
Match amount: $89.53
12 contributions
This is the MetaCamp community contribution opportunity grant for Angela, if Angela did anything of value for the community reward them here !
Donor amount: $77.00
Match amount: $64.58
9 contributions
This is the MetaCamp community contribution opportunity grant for Kiba, if Kiba did anything of value for the community reward them here !
Donor amount: $67.16
Match amount: $71.64
11 contributions
This is the MetaCamp community contribution opportunity grant for Kyle, if Kyle did anything of value for the community reward them here !
Donor amount: $68.82
Match amount: $54.34
9 contributions
This is the MetaCamp community contribution opportunity grant for Mary, if Mary did anything of value for the community reward them here !
Donor amount: $62.95
Match amount: $49.38
9 contributions
Kirsten M
This is the MetaCamp community contribution opportunity grant for Kirsten MacLean, if Kirsten MacLean did anything of value for the community reward them here !
Donor amount: $52.70
Match amount: $32.37
8 contributions