Metacamp Onda 2023 FINAL

Ran on the Optimism blockchain from 11 May 2023 13:01 to 17 May 2023 00:00 (UTC).
Unknown Token 3
Matching pool
Total Projects
Total USD Crowdfunded
Total Donations
0 matching cap
No Matching Cap
Total Donors
17 May 2023 00:00
Round ended on
Projects Reaching Matching Cap
This is the MetaCamp community contribution opportunity grant for Gloria, if Gloria did anything of value for the community reward them here !
Donor amount: $40.30
Match amount: $35.97
9 contributions
This is the MetaCamp community contribution opportunity grant for Dermot, if Dermot did anything of value for the community reward them here !
Donor amount: $42.42
Match amount: $24.62
6 contributions
This is the MetaCamp community contribution opportunity grant for Ksenyia, if Ksenyia did anything of value for the community reward them here !
Donor amount: $38.29
Match amount: $25.50
7 contributions
This is the MetaCamp community contribution opportunity grant for Katherine, if Katherine did anything of value for the community reward them here !
Donor amount: $34.88
Match amount: $21.27
7 contributions
This is the MetaCamp community contribution opportunity grant for Lindsey, if Lindsey did anything of value for the community reward them here !
Donor amount: $31.28
Match amount: $19.36
7 contributions
This is the MetaCamp community contribution opportunity grant for Zoe, if Zoe did anything of value for the community reward them here !
Donor amount: $32.81
Match amount: $17.79
6 contributions
This is the MetaCamp community contribution opportunity grant for Dermot, if Dermot did anything of value for the community reward them here !
Donor amount: $36.20
Match amount: $13.45
5 contributions
This is the MetaCamp community contribution opportunity grant for B3n, if B3n did anything of value for the community reward them here !
Donor amount: $29.55
Match amount: $15.22
6 contributions
This is the MetaCamp community contribution opportunity grant for Alex, if Alex did anything of value for the community reward them here !
Donor amount: $25.90
Match amount: $12.77
6 contributions
Cucci Mang
This is the MetaCamp community contribution opportunity grant for Cucci Mang, if Cucci Mang did anything of value for the community reward them here !
Donor amount: $24.44
Match amount: $9.73
5 contributions
Justin Moskovitz
This is the MetaCamp community contribution opportunity grant for Justin Moskovitz, if Justin Moskovitz did anything of value for the community reward them here !
Donor amount: $24.07
Match amount: $9.41
5 contributions
This is the MetaCamp community contribution opportunity grant for Jack, if Jack did anything of value for the community reward them here !
Donor amount: $24.07
Match amount: $9.41
5 contributions