Ran on the Optimism blockchain from 14 Oct 2023 00:00 to 22 Oct 2023 00:00 (UTC).
Unknown Token 2
Matching pool
Total Projects
Total USD Crowdfunded
Total Donations
0 matching cap
No Matching Cap
Total Donors
22 Oct 2023 00:00
Round ended on
Projects Reaching Matching Cap
Retroactive Funding for the General Forum on Ethereum Localism
A forum on Ethereum localism aimed to expand access to essential needs using city and regional protocols, launching a funding round for project reimbursement.
Donor amount: $310.44
Match amount: $3250.17
17 contributions
Non-profit hackerspace fostering community and creativity by providing a collaborative space for tech, science, and arts in Portland, Oregon.
Donor amount: $277.10
Match amount: $1183.84
8 contributions
Modern Protocols of the City
Seek funding for research on symmetries between web3 protocols and city social protocols, focusing on permissionless knowledge sharing and web3 technology's potential to enhance these systems.
Donor amount: $157.62
Match amount: $1229.27
12 contributions
QFIRL: A Community Quadratic Funding Event
Piloting an in-person event to introduce non-crypto native organizations to Quadratic Funding, fostering local participation, and exploring web3's role in community-driven funding and empowerment.
Donor amount: $127.07
Match amount: $915.80
11 contributions
Stickerbloc, a mutual aid group born from Portland protests, creates and distributes anti-racist, unity-promoting stickers using web3 tech, fostering solidarity and community support among activists.
Donor amount: $168.13
Match amount: $353.10
5 contributions
web3 Super Debate
Seeking funding for live public debates on web3 topics, involving community-driven discussions and audience participation, aiming to foster diverse perspectives and conversations in innovative spaces.
Donor amount: $42.80
Match amount: $126.91
5 contributions
LexDAO is developing KaliBerger, a tool for using Harberger Tax on ERC721 NFTs with Creative Commons licenses to encourage productive asset use and fund a DAO.
Donor amount: $24.08
Match amount: $52.85
4 contributions
This is the MetaCamp community contribution opportunity grant for Lindsey, if Lindsey did anything of value for the community reward them here !
Launch an open-source, NFT-based citizen science platform in Portland to report tree health and earn crypto through Urban Forestry data contributions.
Launch Portland's first open-source tree mapping platform using NFTs for tree adoption, enabling users to earn crypto through reporting tree health data to local forestry.