Retroactive Funding for the General Forum on Ethereum Localism

$310.44 crowdfunded from 17 people

$3,250.17 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
A forum on Ethereum localism aimed to expand access to essential needs using city and regional protocols, launching a funding round for project reimbursement.

From Friday the 13th-15th A General Forum on Ethereum Localism brought together from across the globe builders, doers and dreamers who are working on expanding access to basic material needs and a robust cosmolocal technology commons, through developing aligned, impactful city and bio/regional protocols.

💥 This GREENPILL PDX DAO QF Round was launched by @Owocki during day 2 of the Forum 🌱

When cityDAOs across the world coordinate and experiment with the interplay of existing commons practices and the Ethereum/web3 toolkit, we’ll be better able to come together and cross-pollinate to create the exponential utility only participatory design can make. A network of shared values and love for difference, among nodes that reinforce each other even as they flower out. The work is just getting started!

GFEL out of pocket expenses were had! Event organizers would love to reimburse ourselves :) this grant will do that.

Retroactive Funding for the General Forum on Ethereum Localism History

  • accepted into PDX DAO QF Round 11 months ago. 17 people contributed $310 to the project, and $3,250 of match funding was provided.

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