2TEST IERC Grants Quadratic Funding Round One

Ran on the Avalanche blockchain from 28 Mar 2024 11:00 to 28 Mar 2024 12:00 (UTC).
Unknown Token 1
Matching pool
Total Projects
Total USD Crowdfunded
Total Donations
0 matching cap
No Matching Cap
Total Donors
28 Mar 2024 12:00
Round ended on
Projects Reaching Matching Cap
QuantumStake: Revolutionizing Staking in the Crypto Sphere | Arbitrum
Implementing an advanced staking platform using DeFi and NFTs, QuantumStake emphasizes innovation, security, and user-friendly experiences with extensive smart contract audits and continuous security improvements.
Pairwise: Simplifying Choices, Amplifying Voices
Open-source, off-chain voting dapp using an Elo-style system for simple, enjoyable community decision-making and project ranking with planned voter rewards and semi-anonymous options.
ArtGridz by Decentraplace offers an innovative Image Storage Solution for NFTs, automating reward mechanisms, enabling on-chain art creation, DeFi games, and ensuring artwork permanence, without third-party involvement.
Ecofrontiers: The Green Crypto Handbook
Web3 program Ecofrontiers has developed a framework for tokenized environmental finance, offering insights in the "Green Crypto Handbook". New chapter on green crypto asset markets released.
$REGEN Tokenomics Working Group
Developing a governance and expertise center within the Regen network focused on enhancing the $REGEN token, rewarding ecological sustainability, promoting accurate ecological data sharing, and supporting ecological tech innovation.