average score over 3 application evaluations
IERC DAO Test Acc History
accepted into 2TEST IERC Grants Quadratic Funding Round One 11 months ago.
applied to the TEST IERC Grants Quadratic Funding Round One 11 months ago of which the application is still in a pending state
applied to the QuantumStake: Revolutionizing Staking in the Crypto space | Arbitrum One 11 months ago of which the application is still in a pending state
Explore projects
A decentralized autonomous organization focused on promoting research and funding for global women’s non-reproductive health, including policy advocacy, marketplace development, and support for Femtech startups.
This is a first of many test project descriptions
AstroChain aims to unite astronomy enthusiasts in an ecosystem, offering a dApp for NFT-based space content, sky scanning devices, and a metaverse platform for education and research.
EverGreenCoin is upgrading its website for improved user experience in its eco-reward program and updating its core wallet software to future-proof its cryptocurrency network, seeking grant funds for development and operating costs.
An open-source SDK enabling one-click, cross-chain payments and deposits on Ethereum via intent addresses for a seamless, non-custodial user experience.