Mainnet Test Project v1
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Mainnet Test Project v1 History

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Interactive riddle challenge awarding ownership of a smart contract and prize funds for solving a riddle regarding the historic launch date of a public goods funding network.
A collaborative community focused on Web3 research and development, aiming to promote healthy societal evolution through activities like Verifiable Credential models, DAO research, and public goods funding experiments.
Digital currency aimed at generating $5 trillion/year for 30 years to fund climate-positive projects like clean energy, regenerative agriculture, and conservation using a new ecological-economic model.
Riya Thawani seeks a grant to continue volunteering at global conferences to learn and support Web3 adoption through her content marketing agency.
A web3-based messaging protocol offering end-to-end encryption, decentralization, and interoperability by utilizing a registry for communication details and a network of delivery nodes. Open source with an initiative for app integration.