QuantumStake: Revolutionizing Staking in the Crypto space | Avalanche

Ran on the Avalanche blockchain from 26 Mar 2024 00:00 to 27 Mar 2024 00:00 (UTC).
Unknown Token 1000
Matching pool
Total Projects
Total USD Crowdfunded
Total Donations
0 matching cap
No Matching Cap
Total Donors
27 Mar 2024 00:00
Round ended on
Projects Reaching Matching Cap
Ethereal Resonance
A digital meditation project combining animated art and blockchain, enabling immersive, interactive experiences and NFT art collection on an eco-friendly platform to promote well-being, innovation, and community.
Wide Feels
Creating a collaborative blockchain-based comic series about a future where AI dominates humans, integrating AI storytelling, and music with profits supporting psychedelic and environmental research.
Astrochain - Decentralized Science
Astrochain offers a decentralized app bridging astronomy and blockchain, allowing users to capture celestial data, mint NFTs, engage in an online community, and access educational content.
Ecothailand Foundation
Implement environmental education, establish bio-waste management, and boost sustainable tourism in Thai Gulf communities.
AstroChain aims to unite astronomy enthusiasts in an ecosystem, offering a dApp for NFT-based space content, sky scanning devices, and a metaverse platform for education and research.
Ecothailand Foundation
Promoting environmental education, waste management, and sustainable tourism in Thai Gulf communities.
Astrochain - Decentralized Science
Astrochain offers a decentralized app bridging astronomy and blockchain, allowing users to capture celestial data, mint NFTs, engage in an online community, and access educational content.
AstroChain aims to unite astronomy enthusiasts in an ecosystem, offering a dApp for NFT-based space content, sky scanning devices, and a metaverse platform for education and research.
Creating a cultural hub for Solarpunk enthusiasts to learn, connect, and grow the movement; highlighting current Solarpunk efforts and building a comprehensive culture library to support creators and climate action.