Season 3

Ran on the Arbitrum blockchain from 19 Oct 2023 00:00 to 31 Dec 2023 16:00 (UTC).
No matching funds available Matching pool
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0 matching cap
No Matching Cap
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31 Dec 2023 16:00
Round ended on
Projects Reaching Matching Cap
Revolutionizing the Web with Web 3.0 Innovation
Securing funding to develop a blockchain-based, user-controlled, Web 3.0 platform, promising increased privacy, security, and interoperability to transform the internet experience.
ManBun Guild
a guild created by community for community, the house of alpha hunter and beta tester - gateway to .arb websites
Develop a gateway service to connect traditional browsers with web3 content, enabling access to .arb domains and IPFS, integrate seamlessly without changing user habits, and ensure compatibility with existing infrastructure.
1W3 - decentralised websites for .bnb & .arb domains
Developed a user-friendly, no-code platform for building decentralized websites on Web3 domains; monetization through NFT-minted web templates; featuring IPFS/IPNS, Arweave, and collaboration with SPACE ID ecosystem. - gateway to .bnb websites
Enable mainstream browsers to access web3 content via .bnb domains and IPFS by acting as a reverse proxy, requiring funds to scale infrastructure and educate users.
Decentralized Library
Create a web3-based decentralized library utilizing blockchain and decentralized storage for censorship-resistant access to educational content, with smart contracts, NFT access tokens, and community governance. Focuses on sustainability and reducing GHG emissions.
Your ranking and score in popular Web3 projects Track your progress in your favorite projects and rise to the top by actively participating
Notum: A platform offering tools to monitor and manage cryptocurrency investments, enabling users to implement DeFi strategies for fund growth.
Venom ID
A decentralized platform on the Venom blockchain for managing and showcasing virtual assets, with customizable profile pages and a naming service, allowing trading of profiles as NFTs.