- gateway to .arb websites
average score over 2 application evaluations
Develop a gateway service to connect traditional browsers with web3 content, enabling access to .arb domains and IPFS, integrate seamlessly without changing user habits, and ensure compatibility with existing infrastructure.

Introduction: The decentralised web promises a future that's more open, private, and resilient. However, a significant barrier exists: compatibility with current infrastructure. Most of today's browsers are not equipped to interface with web3 technologies, including Arbitrum Name Service (.arb) records and IPFS content. ARB Gateway, through our domain, aims to bridge this divide, acting as a bridge between the centralized and decentralized worlds.


  1. Enable seamless resolution of .arb domains and associated IPFS content.
  2. Bring web3 content to mainstream users without requiring them to modify their existing browsing habits.

How it works:

  • Reverse Proxy Operation: will function as a reverse proxy for ARB names and IPFS content.
  • Dynamic DNS Capture: Leveraging a wildcard DNS record, will dynamically capture all .arb domain requests.
  • Automatic Resolution: Upon receiving a request, will immediately determine the IPFS contenthash of the demanded .arb record and promptly deliver the related static content over HTTPS.

The Need:

  • Inadequate Web2 Infrastructure: The prevalent web2 infrastructure falls short in accommodating the burgeoning web3 ecosystem.
  • Limited Browser Support: A majority of browsers today cannot natively access .arb/IPFS.
  • Infrastructure Void: No established gateway infrastructure exists for .arb domains.

Funding Request: We are seeking funding to:

  1. Scale our infrastructure to handle the increasing demand.
  2. Develop user-friendly tools to assist developers in integrating .arb into their projects.
  3. Launch educational initiatives, ensuring more users and developers understand the potential and utility of .arb/IPFS and web3 content.
  4. Improve the robustness of our systems, ensuring high availability and uptime.

Conclusion: By bridging the centralized and decentralized webs, we're not just creating a more open internet, but also ensuring that as many users as possible can experience the benefits of web3. With your support, ARB.QA can break down the barriers preventing mainstream adoption of decentralised technologies. - gateway to .arb websites History

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