Mission Fund

Ran on the Optimism blockchain from 02 Nov 2023 04:00 to 24 Jan 2024 00:00 (UTC).
DAI 500
Matching pool
Total Projects
Total USD Crowdfunded
Total Donations
0 matching cap
No Matching Cap
Total Donors
24 Jan 2024 00:00
Round ended on
Projects Reaching Matching Cap
Web3 project offers grants for public goods in blockchain, utilizing Optimism and Gitcoin Grants to support categories like decentralized vibrations, regenerative finance, and AI through a quadratic funding model.
Donor amount: $1777.89
Fractal Visions Mission Fund
A blockchain-based funding initiative supporting public goods in web3 through Quadratic Funding on the Optimism network, focusing on areas like AI and regenerative finance.