$1,777.89 crowdfunded from 0 people

average score over 1 application evaluations
Web3 project offers grants for public goods in blockchain, utilizing Optimism and Gitcoin Grants to support categories like decentralized vibrations, regenerative finance, and AI through a quadratic funding model.

Fractal Visions Mission Fund is for fellow impact makers in web3 who are building projects that contribute to public goods.

Utilizing the Optimism network & Layer 2 scaling blockchain technology with the Gitcoin Grants Stack gives Fractal Visions ecosystem the opportunity to reiterate Quadratic Funding with the "Mission Fund" as the public goods community grows. The community can choose from a selection of different categories that align with their vision and values regarding the future of blockchain development.

The “Fractal Visions Mission Fund” further expands the scope of participation within the niche community of impact makers from the very early beginning of a regenerative movement. Each “Mission” from the Pilot Programs help contribute to momentum of the public goods flywheel every QF round. This helps to spread awareness about the way that Gitcoin works with the participants who are part of our grant campaign throughout the whole year.

The intent of the Pilot Program is to build a Matching Pool of rewards for the Quadratic Funding mechanism that Fractal Visions ecosystem has established for creators & builders who will be based on the following genres.

  • Decentralized Vibrations

  • Psychedelic Visuals

  • Artificial Intelligence

  • Regenerative Finance

  • Decentralized Science

Fractal Visions Mission Fund

Fractal Visions Mission Fund is a QF grants Pilot Program helping to drive donations to Fractal Visions M1.

After the first "Mission" has been completed on January 31st, 2024. This Pilot Program will be reiterated on the PGN & Base networks once our initial QF round comes to a close on Optimism which is a layer two scaling solution built on top of Ethereum. As each "Mission" comes to a close the next Pilot Program will become activated in preparation for a consecutive QF mechanism of grant funding to occur. Contributing to the growth of all these ecosystems throughout the year of 2024.


FVMF History

People donating to FVMF, also donated to

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Designing a self-sustaining, resilient city through a month-long workshop with experts from various fields, addressing infrastructure, technology, governance, and sustainability to establish a blueprint for future eco-civilizations.
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