Paul Burg of Phangan Chronicle

Paul Burg of Phangan Chronicle

Environmental scientist Paul in Koh Phangan aims to enhance the Gitcoin community by hosting Gitcoin Radio slots, creating Telegram groups, and leading local meetups and monthly onboarding events.
Applied on: 14 Sep 2023 09:35 AM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 15 Feb 2024 08:44 AM
The Grant proposal should explicitly outline how your work supported or will support the Gitcoin Community.
Paul's proposal outlines several activities such as co-hosting Gitcoin Radio, organizing community meetups, creating a Telegram group, and onboarding individuals to Gitcoin Passport and Grant, which all directly support and engage the Gitcoin Community.
This round focuses first and foremost on individuals not projects. Multiple individuals are not allowed to submit as one team submission.
The submission is made by an individual, Paul Burg, and does not indicate a team submission, complying with the individual-focused nature of the round.
Indicate clearly whether the grantee is focusing on funding for work done (retroactive), planned work (proposed) or both (mixed). If it’s both, the grant should have a clear demarcation between retroactive and proposed work
The grantee has provided a clear demarcation by summarizing past contributions and delineating future proposed activities.
For full eligibility criteria, visit:
Without direct access to the full eligibility criteria document and the details within the grant proposal, a precise evaluation cannot be provided. The grantee should ensure adherence to the complete set of criteria as specified in the linked document.