153 <> Vouch by Blockravers

$96.27 crowdfunded from 31 people

$574.93 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
Creating a secure, trust-based social platform using web3, NFTs, and unique identifiers for safer community events and connections.

In a world of trustless networks, we need a way to create events and experiences where trust is required.

We all love being around a vibrant community. However, like many communities, ours is or will be facing challenges around accountability, trust, and safety.

The current approach of inviting friends and friends of friends to events and experiences can be unreliable and often lacks accountability. This is where we see an opportunity to use web3 technologies to build a product that enables each user to create their own social graph of trust.

It should be private by default and owned by the humans to create their web of trust.

☢️The Problem The problem we aim to solve is how to bring people together in a safe and enjoyable way. Current methods of inviting people to events lack accountability and can lead to situations where people may feel unsafe or uncomfortable. We want to create a product that will provide a more secure and accountable way of connecting with people.

✅The Solution 153³ leverages decentralized technologies such as NFTs, decentralized storage and a Bolivar (Venezuelan bank note) that people in Zuzalu will receive as a gift and will behave as a seed for this network.

The core idea of the product is to create a social graph of trust and accountability among people who want to connect with each other.

📅Here's how it works today:

  • Each individual at Zuzalu will receive a bank note with an unique identifier (serial number).
  • Humans at Zuzalu will associate their unique serial number on the physical bill and their ethereum address to their personhood. In the future we could integrate the Zuzalu Passport.
  • Humans will create a line of trust with the people that they vibe with, they will use the serial number of the bill of the person that they want to create the line of trust with and submit it onchain, the vouch/attestation will say "I vouch this person had good vibes at Zuzalu."
  • Humans that want to register to the party, will signal information to the party organizer that they want to be part of the party by submitting a form which might include whatever information the party organizer wants to do.

🔜Here is how it should work in the future:

  • When a human wants to create a line of trust, they will scan the other person's QR code, NFC or a link that can expire. This will mint an NFT on each wallet of the 2 connectors. Each individual NFT will include all the information that each user wants to reveal to their counterparts and their vouching history with that peer.
  • Users will have the ability to vouch privately with the right of disclosure or publicly. This means that they can choose to keep their vouching history private or disclose it to others.
  • All data is owned by the individuals, and they choose what information to reveal.
  • Zero Knowledge technology will be used to ensure privacy and security.
  • Humans should be able to revoke vouching

👁Conclusion 153³ aims to create a safer and more accountable way to connect with people. We will use NFTs, ZK tech, decentralized storage and a Bolivar (Venezuelan Note) with a unique serial number to bootstrap the community.

We can create a more trustworthy social graph that can be used to build stronger connections among peers.

Our hope is that 153³ will become a valuable tool for communities like Zuzalu, and eventually for anyone looking for a safer and more accountable way to connect with others.

153 <> Vouch by Blockravers History

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