40acres DAO

$1,313.86 crowdfunded from 919 people

$1,077.07 received from matching pools

average score over 3 application evaluations
An internet-native DAO focused on empowering marginalized communities through blockchain education, activism, and custom care solutions, with projects in cultural art, connectivity access, and a culturally focused Web3 monthly newsletter.

40acres DAO is an internet-native community dedicated to educating, engaging, and empowering marginalized communities using blockchain technology. The DAO serves over 500 unique members across various continents and disciplines that come together to form a vibrant ecosystem that uplifts historically excluded voices and develops custom solutions to community care.

The DAO currently stewards 3 member-led guilds that focus on art as activism, liberation technology, and our written publication. In addition to these guilds are the projects that each guild creates such as the Renaissance on Chain Movement to onboard overlooked artists into Web3, The LITeracy Hubs Initiative which provides free and discounted internet connectivity services to blighted areas, and the 40acres Monthly Newsletter to give a curated cultural perspective to the world of Web3.

The DAO impacts the Web3 community by curating a safe and welcoming experience for diverse participants in the ecosystem. It does this by connecting them with resources, tools, and opportunities built with a culturally centered design to engage them with all aspects of Web3 such as immersive VR/AR experiences that uplift cultural art, training programs that expose emerging industry professionals to the latest languages, protocols, and blockchains, to AI-powered solutions to social issues addressed by our Uhuru Force guild.

By supporting 40acres you are providing access to a more distributed internet which allows for further innovation that takes ALL perspectives into account by intentionally including those that have been historically excluded.

40acres DAO History

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