706 Agora Dialogue
This project encourages individuals to engage in climate action through events, global dialogues, open-source platforms, and creative contributions, aiming to foster practical solutions and awareness.

We hope that individuals can improve our microenvironments and "living spaces" by discovering their own climate topics and finding those action plans where practical feasibility exists.This teaser article will present a series of previews of events on the topic of climate, as well as subsequent recruitment and event programs.  A Living Room Conversation Happening Around the World Agora Dialogue 2024, we'll be hosting multi-location joint offline gatherings with our partners around the world to share and discuss topics related to climate change.Topics will include, but are not limited to:

  1. why it's important to pay attention to the climate crisis, 2. what urbanites can do,
  2. look at your carbon footprint, does personal change really work?
  3. How to deal with climate depression, climate and women, and more.
  4.  My Climate Moment 2024 Global Image + Text Co-creation Call Through the chain co-creation mechanism, the project invites Chinese people all over the world to submit photographic or textual works about climate. Your works can be about connecting your daily life encounters with climate change, witnessing the environmental change issues that you have witnessed in one of the Earth's locations, or documenting the "climate" (biological/human + climate interaction)."(biological/human + climate interactions).You can choose to participate in the event with photography or text, and at least 24 participating co-creations will be issued as tokens, which will form a 2024 climate documentary co-creation book that will be exhibited around the world
  5. An Open Source Site to Track and Showcase Individual Action Plans We are in the process of building an open source site to track and showcase a wide range of practical programs or actions from real individuals that are in the process of being prepared or that have already achieved some results.In short, we want every individual who is taking action on climate change to be visible.
  6.  An Open Source Guide to Evaluating and Presenting "Eco-Friendly Organizations" . Where to buy local eco-friendly organic products?In our daily lives, we don't always pay serious attention to whether the businesses or products we come into contact with are eco-friendly or not, so this open source site is a tiny start for listing some eco-friendly products or businesses to give you an idea of where to look when you want to buy some more eco-friendly products?We also welcome good eco-friendly and organic products, programs and businesses to tell us about your existence, and you can reach more potential buyers from our site.

706 Agora Dialogue History

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