A Next Generation Crypto Wallet
Developing advanced crypto wallets using Web3, MPC, and AA technologies for mass adoption.

We believe that current crypto wallets can't handle mass adoption.

Fortunately next generation Web3 infrastructures are emerging and evolving, such as MPC and AA.

They make next generation crypto wallets for mass adoption possible.

A Next Generation Crypto Wallet History

Explore projects

Factland is a nonprofit DAO using blockchain for decentralized fact-checking, where users flag misinformation, stakeholders review evidence, and jurors weigh in, incentivized by crypto rewards.
Bloomeria is a DAO connecting environmental projects with funders, leveraging blockchain for ESG commitments and enabling citizens to fund and manage green areas, using digital certificates to track contributions.
Compared to the Business, Closed Source, Central Relay Paymasters, we, ETHPaymaster provide a Community, Open Source, Decentralized Paymaster Framework to Sponsor Every Transaction.
Market garden and educational center offering farm tours in Aotearoa, promoting sustainable agriculture.
Empowering Togo's citizens via a web app, Impact Stream, to propose and democratically select community development projects, funded through a transparent, open-source platform. Collaboration with local and Global partners ensures impactful use of contributions.