Abundance Protocol
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The Abundance Protocol uses a proof-of-impact mechanism to incentivize public goods provision and mitigate negative economic externalities, expanding on Bitcoin's peer-to-ecosystem exchange concept.

The Abundance Protocol aims to create an economy of abundance where economic self-interest, purpose, and the common good align. The protocol offers a comprehensive solution to the problem of public goods and addresses the issue of negative externalities in economics.

Bitcoin was the first protocol to allow a p2e (peer to ecosystem) exchange, where miners are issued coins in exchange for providing a public good that benefits everyone in the ecosystem – network security through currency inflation.

Bitcoin and ethereum miners/validators received over $1 trillion worth of cryptocurrency in exchange for providing the specific public good of network security. The abundance protocol's proof-of-impact consensus mechanism strives to generalize this p2e exchange mechanism to all public and common goods.

Find out more about the Proof-of-Impact Consensus Mechanism and what we're building at the protocol at https://abundance.id

The Abundance Protocol graphic board can be viewed here: https://miro.com/app/board/uXjVPUvJDaU=/?share_link_id=520545651721

Abundance Protocol Whitepaper: https://mirror.xyz/0xabundance.eth/OfWfXtmKgkpCM_GfRvKQz9Owl-bIXfwpXIny_jtNShE

Abundance Protocol History

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