$69.46 crowdfunded from 4 people
$49.70 received from matching pools
DAO Governance Collective is a community-driven initiative that brings together governance professionals to share experiences and knowledge in working with decentralized autonomous organizations. It offers a collaborative environment for DAO practitioners to learn and grow together. Join the collective to deepen your understanding of DAO governance and be part of shaping the future of decentralized governance.
The collective hosts' educational sessions every other week featuring prominent DAO leaders from well-known DAOs like Gitcoin, MakerDAO, Safe, MolochDAO, and more. These sessions provide an opportunity to learn from those who have implemented successful governance structures and gain practical insights into decentralized governance.
DAO Governance Collective is a supportive and inclusive community where you can expand your network, deepen your understanding of DAO governance, and connect with like-minded practitioners.
DAO Governance Collective History
accepted into Web3 Community and Education 1 year ago. 4 people contributed $69 to the project, and $50 of match funding was provided.