Adopt a tree

$222.76 crowdfunded from 139 people

$1,048.16 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
An educational initiative teaching primary school children tree planting and care, promoting climate awareness and environmental stewardship through hands-on involvement in afforestation.

Name of Project: Adopt a Tree Executive summary This is an education project that is aimed at teaching primary school learners on tree planting and engaging in planting trees in their schools and at their homes. In this plan, child will take care of the trees they plant up to maturity: adopt a tree! This will be coupled with education on climate change and proper soil maintenance practices.

Problem statement The members of the target community are in dire need to develop and increase their forest cover and secure their water catchment areas and improve their soil conservation. Lack of requisite education and information is the main hinderance to these Project Justification The main target of this project is to increase the tree cover and imparting climate education to the young population so that we have climate conscious generation. This is an environmental program that is designed as a means of conserving the environment with particular emphasis to schools and the communities around them. This program has among its components, issues that address health, water and sanitation, environmental awareness, tree planting with particular emphasis to multipurpose trees and species especially fruit trees for nutrition in schools and woody trees for the community. The overall target is engaging all schools in this program

Project objective: The overall objective of this project is to increase tree cover while providing generations of children with healthy nutrition options and environmental education

Specific Objectives • To plant different species of trees in schools and the surrounding community • To pass on environment education for protection of our environment. • To provide good learning environments for children

Project justification Engaging primary schools in planting trees will see us reach many people both in the schools and around the community. When all the children are engaged in adopting trees, it will ensure that most of the trees survive to maturity and in so doing, there will be increase in tree cover. Planting fruit trees will be more encouraging as the children will have nutritional benefits form the fruits. As we engage the children in climate education and setting up tree nurseries their parents too will be involved in planting the surplus seedlings generated.

Project activities • Environment Awareness This will help the learners and their parents learn the value of planting trees, especially fruit trees and how to care for them with emphasis on environmental conservation • Demonstrations on Nursery Tree Establishments The target beneficiaries will be taught how to stablish tree nurseries, care for trees and also simple techniques of breeding such as grafting plants for better quality breeds. • Tree planting This shall involve teachers, parents and the learners. The seedlings will be from the tree nurseries established in schools. The learners will be taught how to raise trees and each will be given seedlings to plant and tend to. They will plant at least three trees both at school and at home. The parents too will plant trees at their homes. • Monitoring and Evaluation There will be participatory monitoring and evaluation Methodology of implementation There shall be a dipartite partnership involving the teachers, learners and the parents. The contribution of each party will be as follows: • Teachers • Project design, planning & management • Acquisition of seeds • Technical support and oversight on tree planting and management • Training of selected schools • Monitor and evaluate • Produce report and accountability • Learners and parents • Planting and maintenance of trees • Maintenance of tree nurseries When you educate a child about climate change, you educate a whole generation!

Multiplication factor of the project

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Adopt a tree History

  • accepted into Climate Solutions Round 1 year ago. 139 people contributed $223 to the project, and $1,048 of match funding was provided.

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