
$107.25 crowdfunded from 77 people

$360.91 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
Digital platform enabling African green projects to sell impact credits to non-green businesses and sustainability investors, using blockchain for transparency and fostering local environmental and socio-economic growth.

Afrocarb is a simple digital platform that enables African green initiatives/companies to trade their impact with non-green entities and sustainability angels, to scale their project and impact - helping non-green businesses to achieve their sustainability targets through verified emission offsets & impact credits.

This innovative blockchain marketplace serves as a bridge, fostering both environmental progress, environmental impact and investment transparency, for social and economic growth in Africa.

Why this Project?

a). 7 of the 10 climate-impact most vulnerable nations are African nations. b). 9 of 10 impacts and emissions-related green companies we have engaged in Nigeria want to participate in the Emissions Trading market but lack easy access to do so. c). Local impact green projects and businesses across Africa are encouraged verbally but investment and trade trust remain distant.

Africa cannot continue to rely solely on external aid for enduring climate resilience. This underscores the timeliness and appeal of the Afrocarb marketplace solution.

a). Empowering Local Green Initiatives: Afrocarb's primary focus is to uplift African green projects by easing their access to the global impact and emissions market. It's dedicated to boosting local sustainability efforts, which will lead to positive environmental and socio-economic changes across the continent and beyond..

b). Seamless Emission Offsets: Afrocarb offers non-green companies an easy and effective way to transparently offset their greenhouse gas emissions. By investing in emission reduction projects or purchasing verified GHG emission credits through Afrocarb, these businesses get to take traceable tangible steps towards sustainability without disrupting their core operations as they move toward 100% eco-friendliness.

c). Transparent Marketplace: Afrocarb's transparency with blockchain technology ensures that all transactions and exchanges are clear, accountable, and transparent to all. This level of openness builds trust around the African impact and emissions trading markets, making us a reliable platform for both green projects and businesses looking to make a positive impact.

d). Driving Holistic Change: By connecting green projects and non-green companies, like Amazon connected buyers with sellers, Afrocarb contributes to a comprehensive approach to environmental progress. This interconnectedness promotes a balanced ecosystem where everyone plays a part in building a more sustainable future, even while transitioning.

e). Sustainable Growth: With Afrocarb, green projects can scale their operations and have a greater impact on their communities and the environment. Likewise, non-green businesses can evolve towards more sustainable practices, ensuring a greener, healthier future for all. Bo-P-Farmers-Credit-Brave-02-07-2023-13-09-49.png

What Impact Will This Project Make?

Afrocarb is best described as a twofold impact project:

a). Green Projects Growth: Afrocarb facilitates the growth of both existing and new African green initiatives by providing them with easier access to the global impact trading market. This means more renewable energy, sustainable agriculture, and conservation projects can be realized, leading to reduced carbon emissions, improved resource management, and enhanced environmental health.

b). Sustainability for Non-Green Companies: Non-green businesses will be able to easily and transparently contribute to sustainability efforts by trading cash for quality emission offsets through Afrocarb. This will help them align with environmental goals, decrease their carbon footprint, and actively participate in the fight against climate change.


In summary, with this twofold impact, Afrocarb directly improves the lives and livelihoods of the average African and the overall life expectancy as environmental and social conditions are improved.

How will funds be used?

If awarded the grant, we would allocate the funds to maximize our growth and impact on frontline communities and further enhance the implementation of our solution. Here is a sample budget outlining how we would utilize the GitCoin Grant:

a). Community and Stakeholders Engagement ): Organizing community events, and focus groups to involve frontline community members in decision-making processes Developing culturally sensitive and accessible learning materials (like → and campaigns to raise awareness and encourage eco-friendly transitions Speed up our partnership with academia for exponential adoption and direct industry and social advancement.

b). Afrocarb Beta Catalysis : Conducting first-scale verification and validation of at least 15 green projects in Nigeria for impact and emissions offset credit listing. Although we will continue building regardless, the grant will help speed up the development and improvement of our ecosystem technology, data management systems, and monitoring tools to enhance the efficiency and scalability of our solution and cascade impact on more green projects.

c). Legislature and Registrations : With our legal team member, we will secure necessary permits/certificates/licenses/goodwill with different relevant agencies.

By allocating our prize money strategically across these key areas, we will foster community engagement, empower frontline communities, implement impactful projects, enhance our technological capabilities, and provide direct support to those most in need.

Afrocarb success/impact measurement

We measure the impact of Afrocarb through: a). Counting the number of green projects receiving support for impact expansion. b). Calculating emissions cut from funded projects and offset investments. c). Monitoring businesses buying offsets to encourage sustainability. d). Gathering stories of local benefits, like clean energy supply and jobs from projects. e). Collecting feedback from satisfied project owners and companies.

Afrocarb perfectly fits the Gitcoin 18 Climate Solutions Round as our live demo which is just about 4 months old proves that blockchain technology, NFTs, and Crypto can be brilliantly used to advance climate action through the simultaneous growth of green projects and reduction of GHGs across African communities for global impact. After opening up our application for GHG reduction projects across Africa, starting with Nigeria, we have so far received the interest of 3 projects as we expect to get more in the coming weeks with more awareness.

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Afrocarb History

  • accepted into Climate Round 1 year ago. 77 people contributed $107 to the project, and $361 of match funding was provided.

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