Aluxes 🌴
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A land stewardship model for rainforest conservation, integrating soil regeneration, pollination, conservation, and education, to foster bioregional economies while engaging and empowering local Maya communities.

Tropical Rainforests matter.

Aluxes is a land stewardship model focused on conservation and regeneration of tropical rainforests.

The model is divided in four modular and scalable sectors (Pollination, Soil Regeneration, Conservation and Education) together they provide different forms of capital based on regenerative practices

This will set the basis of a bioregional conservation economy offering a wide variety of products and services from the jungle. Engaging the local communities with harmonious management of their lands.

The purpose of the Aluxes Project is to protect biodiversity of tropical rainforests and let nature thrive through its bioregional corridors.

Central American jungles

Considered one of the most biodiverse regions in the world, with estimates suggesting that it may contain as many as 10% of all known species of plants and animals. This particular region is also home to many Maya communities who have lived in harmony with the environment for thousands of years.

After the Amazon, the Mesoamerican Maya Rainforest is the largest remaining tropical rainforest in the Americas with 5.4 million hectare rainforests that stretch across Belize, northern Guatemala and the Yucatán peninsula.

It is fed by the biggest natural reserves in the bioregion which provide over the 80% of its biodiversity.

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The Maya people

For thousands of years, the Maya jungle, in all its great diversity, has been an ally to the mayan people, providing every element to sustain its population in a rich and complete way.

Most of the Maya jungle territory is owned by local communities in the form of “ejidos” which is an area of communal land used for agriculture in which community members have usufruct (usable) rights rather than "traditional" ownership rights to land.

Most of these communities are focused on traditional sustainable economic activities and have not changed for thousands of years.

They are the inheritors of the ancient maya knowledge and territory and a vital partner for any project to thrive in this region.

Aluxes will work hand by hand with the local Maya people empowering the importance of their role in maximizing positive impact in the region.


The bioregion is facing increasing pressures from commercial agriculture, massive deforestation and climate change effects.

The current economic incentives are structured in a way to encourage the local users to deforest and degrade their lands to reap a short term economic benefit.

Deforestation and monocropping practices pose a significant threat to tropical rainforests, leading to the biodiversity loss and ecological imbalance.

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By guiding and empowering the local communities with the Aluxes 4 sector model, we will be able to provide more economic incentives to foster greater long term benefits for the local ecosystem and the economy for the foreseeable future

We have learned that in order to revert degradation and create positive impact in tropical rainforests we must regenerate degraded land and provide economical value to conserved land.

The four sectors are designed to provide enviromental, social, and economical value to the bioregion.

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The Sectors

The four sectors—Luum, Kab, Chaan, and Nah—comprehensively address the essential components of tropical rainforest restoration.

Luum - Soil Regeneration focuses on revitalizing the foundation of ecosystems, ensuring fertile ground for plant growth and carbon sequestration.

Kab - Pollination secures the vital role of pollinators in sustaining biodiversity and ecosystem resilience.

Chaan - Conservation safeguards critical habitats and biodiversity hotspots, mitigating threats like deforestation and habitat fragmentation.

Nah - Education empowers local communities with knowledge and skills, fostering a culture of conservation and sustainable land management.

Together, these sectors form a holistic approach that not only restores tropical rainforests but also engages stakeholders and ensures the long-term sustainability of our efforts.


The soil regeneration sector is at the forefront of agricultural innovation, developing self-sufficient irrigation systems for crops and pioneering the use of soil sciences and agroforestry to revitalize and restore the fertility of degraded soils, ultimately blending agricultural productivity with ecological renewal.

We understand that indigenous communities have long held intimate relationships with the land, inheriting invaluable insights and practices passed down through generations. Therefore, our soil regeneration efforts are grounded in honoring and incorporating these ancestral traditions into our restoration practices.

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💰 These systems increase productivity, provide diversified income streams, and reduce input costs.

💰 Local species like vanilla, cacao, avocado, corn, zapote, ramón, caoba, mamey and tzalam have strong viability in the local organic market.

💰 Herbal medicine market is expeced to reach 347B by 2029


The pollination sector is particularly vital as stingless bees, which pollinate over 45% of tropical rainforests.

Pollinator populations, including stingless bees, are important to ensure the reproduction of a wide array of plant species and diverse floral habitats.

Meliponiculture has been practiced for thousands of years, creating a unique relationship between humans and bees. Where bees ensure their safety from predators, get their colonies multiplied, and humans benefit from the variety of their products.

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💰 Stingless bee products (honey, propolis and wax) hold a niche market value due to their unique qualities and limited availability.

💰 The bioactivity of stingless bee products is diverse and exhibits great potential as an antimicrobial agent or in various diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancers, oral problems and wound healing.


We are aware that the most important action to take is to conserve untouched land for the longest time possible.

Biodiversity management initiatives reintroduce native species, restore habitats and secure connectivity corridors in the bioregion. Guided by biodata monitoring, we gain insights into ecosystem health, we can identify key conservation priorities, track ecological trends, and evaluate the effectiveness of our interventions over time.

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💰 Sustainable natural products can be positioned in a premium organic market.

💰 Sanctuaries are profitable as a sustainable low-scale ecotourism activity

💰 Quantifying biodiversity gains to use in order to apply for eco-credits.


Nah sector addresses the dual needs of education in regeneration techniques and cultural expression by providing spaces for collaborative learning and creativity, fostering community bonds and social enrichment.

Our educational initiatives are complemented by a commitment to architectural techniques that align with local material-oriented and efficient, sustainable concepts. We want to respect local cultural heritage by minimizing enviromental impact and promote economic resilience within communities.

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💰 Plastic recycled and transformed products and tools

💰 Natural ending cycles offer a wide variety of organic residuals that could be used to produce profitable art pieces.

💰 Artistic expositions featuring local artists with local products

💰 Educational experiences on site through the four sectors to learn the process of regenerating tropical rainforests.

What is the plan?

We are planning to act in 3 main phases to achieve in a long term, an active bioregional economy

Phase 1: The Foundation

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In the Foundation phase of our project, we will establish a testing ground to evaluate the effectiveness of the four sectors: Soil Regeneration, Conservation, Pollination, and Education. This phase will begin with a pilot project implemented on a 1-hectare plot of land within the tropical rainforest. Here, we will conduct controlled experiments and assessments to fine-tune our strategies and methodologies.

We have partnered with a local landowner to implement a pilot program "The Foundation" aimed at testing the four sectors and prove that this model can generate capital value using regenerative practices on his land.

The foundation is designed to continue until we have thoroughly documented each step of the process, ensuring that we have comprehensive data and insights to achieve modularity and scalability.

This entails rigorously recording and analyzing the outcomes, challenges, and lessons learned from implementing each sector of the project.

By meticulously documenting our methodologies, best practices, and success indicators, we will develop standardized protocols and guidelines that can be easily replicated and adapted in different contexts.

Writing the basis of a land stewardship guide what we will call "Ahau Book."

Phase 2: The seeds

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The primary goal is to implement effective practices and proven sustainable business models from the Ahau Book into a wider range of sites, transforming them into real initiatives across various parts of the bioregion where Aluxes will serve in many areas depending the case (funding, operating, supervising).

By integrating the Ahau Book principles of ecological balance and helping incubate local owned businesses, The Seeds phase seeks to create sustainable grid of land-systems that benefit both the environment and local communities, ensuring a harmonious coexistence between human activities and nature.

Each of these sites will incorporate an onchain governance structure for transparency and accountability and a model that creates a fair equity split in an early-stage, bootstrapped startup companies for equitable revenue distribution, all of which will be detailed in the Ahau Book.

We will expand Aluxes project to encompass a large amount of habitats and communities. Generating collective impact, while still retaining the ability to adjust and optimize each sector independently.

We aim to encourage local landowners to join the league and become partners in our shared mission of promoting ecological restoration and biodiversity conservation at a bioregional scale.

The Merge

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In the Merge phase, we aim to consolidate a coordinated bioregional conservation economy.

We will integrate Web3 coordination tools and technologies into our project to enhance bioregional collaboration, transparency, and accountability. This phase introduces a wide range of possibilities.

Bioregional conservation economy

As the guardians of our own future, humanity stands on the brink of an epochal shift. Bioregional conservation economies represent not merely a choice but a necessity, as they hold the potential to redefine our relationship with the natural world. These economies are predicated upon the vital principle that living in harmony with nature is paramount.

This phase represents an evolution of Aluxes towards a more decentralized and transparent model, leveraging emerging technologies to drive positive change in tropical rainforest conservation and regeneration efforts.

What is done?

  • Design of layout for the foundation phase. (1 hectare)
  • Basic infrastructure built (well, storage module)
  • Design and construction of 16 stingless beehives (impact GG19)
  • Migration of the first colony division to the new hive (Melipona beecheii)
  • Migration of 3 more colonies including the rescue of a damaged underground hive
  • Acquisition of 5 colonies from a local beekeeper (impact GG20)
  • Team building certified course on stingless bee identification and management
  • Build Kab Database where we will store all the information of our bees
  • Team building certified course on creation of biodiversity management programs
  • Design and built 50 bee attractors (impact GG21)
  • Design and built beebox V2 test

Whats the current status?

  • Design and prototype of the four sectors. (on process)
  • Populate 16 beehives. (on process 8/16)
  • Bi-weekly Monitoring and reporting in Kab Database

What are the challenges?

May 3 - We have seen that it is a challenge to get all the bee species on the bioregion by buying existing colony divisions. Also that model is not sustainable if we want to scale our "bee-bank".

Sept 12 - Unfortunately with the arrival of hurricaine Beryl our site plans were postponed due to the loss of all our new plants. Heavy rain has been an obstacle to finish some operations on site (like topographic studies and complete species documentation) Also during rain season we are not allowed to open or manipulate any of the new bee colony divisions due to potential patogens entering the colonies. So tests on honey, and pollen, are postponed.

Sept 3 - The challenge of designing the most optimal bee attractor has been in selecting the right materials.

Oct 11 - We ended up using recycled plastic bottles in a part of the design to create a useful tool out from a good practice which is cleaning the jungle. We will re-use 100 plastic bottles to make 50 attractors. After the natural division is settled, we will move the colonies to wooden beeboxes V2

What is next?

  • Land preparation and seeding for Luum sector (four agroforestry systems)
  • Install the 16 populated beehives on site
  • Build 50+ attractors for sustainable collection of stingless bees
  • Build 25+ beeboxes V2
  • Acquisition of ecosystem monitoring gear to test Chan sector
  • Full species documentation of site
  • Launch Jungle spaces for expert guidance on @aluxeprojects account
  • Website V2
  • Whitepaper V1 Launch
  • Web3 ecosystem map

The team

@syntropicregen (founder, strategist, designer, community manager, developer)

Allan (co-founder, local connections, local operations, strategist, investor)

Gabriel (Maya local landowner, beekeeper, advisor)

Impact GG21 and what are GG22 funds for?

We are happy to tell that thanks to the funding received from our wonderful community we have designed and built 50 bee attractors to collect the most amount of species from the bioregion.

The effort of collecting all the stingless bee species will help us ensure their population and multiply their population and resilience.

These new colonies will be divided in flowering season to have 25+ potential colonies and expand our specie diversity.

The funds will be used to build 25+ beeboxes V2 to house all the colonies we acquire.

Also to assemble 50+ bee attractors to keep making efforts in increasing the biodiversity size of our bee bank.

We are waiting for flowering season to migrate the 5 new colonies to our community funded beeboxes V1.

All of them are Melipona beecheii divisions we acquired from a local stingless bee keeper.

We still have now 3/19 species in our community funded "bee bank"

  • Melipona beecheii
  • Scaptotrigonna pectoralis
  • Plebeia mexica

We aim at collecting all the 19 registered species of the Bioregion to ensure its population, and hopefully divide them to mantain their resilience, their existence and see them thrive!

Our next milestone on the GG Journey will follow the line of the pollination sector.

100 attractors to increase our bee-bank in 100+ multi- specie colonies.

This effort aims to build resilience in the biodiversity of stingless bee populations. And gives us the honorable opportunity to learn more about them.

If you are reading this YOU ARE SO EARLY!

We are confident that, once the Aluxe project is consolidated, it will drastically reduce deforestation (and thus GHG emissions) on a bigger scale.

Solidifying the conservation of the corridor. By involving local communities and economically activating the region responsibly, this corridor of protection will ensure the natural flow of species and thriving ecosystems will remain connected in the Mayan Rainforest.

We can expand the solution to the rest of Central America, and save a big part of tropical rainforests and with it the inheritage of the Maya tropical rainforests.

Thaks for your support!

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Aluxes 🌴 History

  • applied to the Land Regenerators 17 hours ago of which the application is still in a pending state

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