Arbitrum Cipher Sessions

$193.88 crowdfunded from 178 people

$3,953.55 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
Established web3 tech clubs at 6 universities to educate students in building on Arbitrum and Solidity, conducted campus tours, trained web2 devs in web3 skills, and hosted events.

I've raised developers who build on the Arbitrum ecosystem which meets the 5th goal in the Arbitrum Citizens Round-Specific Eligibility Policies "Community building, devrel, education, etc"

Some of our community-building activities involves setting up web3 Tech Clubs on campuses, to teach them to build on Arbitrum using Solidity.

Here's my impact report.


  1. I've set up Borderless tech clubs in 6 Universities where University Students are trained to build with Solidity.

  2. The clubs teach non-dev members and dev members on how to interact with Arbitrum Ecosystem, bridge, contribute, do DeFi activities and more.

  3. Take in web2 Dev interns, and teach them about web3 and how they could transition and provide value in the web3 ecosystem.

One of such product of our intern program is Pluto Dev, Favour Ekeleme who is now the Arbitrum Ambassador in the University of Port-Harcourt.

You can check him out here.

  1. I've also organized campus tours to spread awareness of web3 and how young people can get on board, I visited 11 Universities recently with my team, and here are a few highlights on 3 of those universities.

🏫University of Port-Harcourt (Uniport) October 3rd

🏫Ignatius Ajuru University of Education October 4th

🏫Rivers State University October 6th

  1. Web3 Events - Here's my last event

Arbitrum Cipher Sessions History

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