Archimedes' Lever
average score over 2 application evaluations
The Archimedes' Lever project leverages web3 technology to improve global health and well-being by integrating neuromodulation therapies as public goods.

Make Science Fun Again!

Since Inception, the Archimedes’ Lever has been conveyed by way of various analogies. A living image, a Model of the World, a mythological motif, a metaphor for web3 - are some of the abstract frameworks

On the pragmatic side, this concept began as “Heal 2 Earn” and was followed by the “Neuroscience of Ethereum” exposition to explore how such an End User experience could be feasibly delivered - IF, at all possible

So which rabbit hole are we down, now?


The Application of these Insights is best yielded for Value through Game Play

Yield City Tournament: Yield 2 Win

With #DeSci as the Meta, our Game has changed

We’re no longer betting on whether the cup will be filled, but how the fill will be distributed throughout ecosystems and harnessed for Yield - this Yield will then be stacked to chain further value creation

Apply your knowledge of Reality to “make numbah go up”

No, not the number everyone is dreaming about with their beloved meme coins. Our focus of Attention is the annual percentage yield - APY% (alternatively annual percentage return, or APR%). E.g., some stablecoin liquidity pools offer 10%+ reliable yield!

This number is what you get in return for parking your Money in any account, where your Liquidity is being put to work and harnessed for Yield. In web3, human operators have been largely replaced by smart contracts. But where there’s loss, there is gain - any end user is now in the position to leverage these smart contracts

It’s easy to make price go up - just pump the liquidity pools with ETH. Yield is the real Game

There’s a Science to this?

Hint: Water


  • Stablecoins, Flatcoins, and other low volatility commodity moneys
  • If using native token yield like ETH, then yield will be valued in USD terms
  • Gov token issuance or other emission can count, provided they demonstrably retain value within a predetermined upper & lower bound for a sustained period of time. USD valued
  • REAL Yield is priority
  • Any chain(s)
  • Any DeFi Infra pipeline
  • Smart Contract functionality to be insured in case of exploits
  • Duration 3 months, 6 months, 12?
  • Higher the stakes, richer the bake

Is there a Payout?

Pay Attention to find out

To enter the tournament, mint the following:

Declaration of Decentralized Science:

Yield City 21 (can soon be purchased on secondary markets):

All funds go towards tournament

Archimedes' Lever History

People donating to Archimedes' Lever, also donated to

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