$53.56 crowdfunded from 4 people
$49.53 received from matching pools
ARTXV is the first Web3 organisation supporting the disabled community in the space.
We provide education, pastoral support, global partnerships and paid opportunities for creatives who are looking to Web3 as a more inclusive, flexible and accessible space compared to more traditional avenues.
ARTXV is supported by OGs in the Web3 space including Meta Gamma Delta and MetaCartelDAO and has featured at ETHDenver, NFT.NYC, NFT.London, NFT.UK, Forbes, Google Arts & Culture and TEDx amongst others. We even got a shoutout from Dua Lipa!
The disabled community is one of the most innovative and creative and has so much potential to thrive in a number of sectors, yet are faced with constant barriers of inaccessibility. Web3 has the potential to change this.
ARTXV was founded by sisters Ava and Tara, an autistic artist, from London, UK. You can read more about their story by heading to our website (artxv.org/about)
"ARTXV means community and support. They believed when no one else did. Being a part of the collective makes me feel seen and valued. Prior, my differences weren't really accepted within the art community. Now they are celebrated." - J. Quinn, ARTXV artist
ARTXV History
accepted into Web3 Community and Education 1 year ago. 4 people contributed $54 to the project, and $50 of match funding was provided.